UBOs and the UBO register
Register the UBO details
Are there people who are ultimate beneficiaries of your organisation but are not yet listed as UBOs in the UBO register? Start the UBO report and register them here.
Change UBO details
You can use the UBO report to make changes about:
- the stake your UBOs have in the organisation
- shielding private details of UBOs
Do you want to change a foreign private address of a UBO to a Dutch private address? Or to another foreign address? Use form 18 to do so.
Please note: You must file a UBO report to notify us of any changes in the UBO details within 7 days of the changes becoming official.
Deregister UBOs
You can also deregister persons in the UBO report, if they are no longer UBOs.
Please note: You must file a UBO report to notify us if a person is no longer a UBO within 7 days. When you deregister UBOs, be aware that you may have to register other UBOs in their place.
Order a KVK UBO Register Extract
Do you need an overview of your organisation's UBO data? For example, for your bank or civil-law notary. And are you officially allowed to update the Business Register information for your organisation? Then you can order a KVK UBO Register Extract via My KVK.
View your UBO details
Do you want to know which organisations you are registered as a UBO with? Or who are the UBOs of an organisation you are signatory to?
You can also use the confirmation letter stating that you are registered as a UBO of an organisation.
How to prepare for your UBO report
The preparation will make clear to you whether or not your organisation has to register UBOs. You will also find information on the data and documents required to file the report.
The UBO register: what and why?
UBOs (Ultimate Beneficial Owners) are the ultimate beneficiaries of an organisation, in other words, the persons in charge. With your UBO registration, you contribute to safer business in the Netherlands and Europe. It helps prevent fraud and money laundering.
The details of UBOs in the UBO register are not public. Only organisations such as the Public Prosecution Service, the police, the Tax Authority and the Financial Intelligence Unit can view all the data at any time, to investigate suspicious money flows, for example.
The UBO register was created to follow European regulations.
Frequently asked questions about the UBO report
KVK will send a confirmation of the UBO registration by post to the organisation and to the registered UBO(s).
Are you an UBO, or authorized to sign for your organisation? Then you can also check the details in My KVK.
The processing time for UBO reports is a maximum of 4 weeks. Online changes are processed faster than changes sent by post. Check current processing times. We will notify you once your UBO report has been processed.
Based on the information in the Business Register, KVK cannot determine who the UBOs of your organisation are. Therefore, we must establish the identity of the authorised signatory, and you must determine who the UBOs of your organisation are. KVK is therefore obliged to request information that you may have provided when registering your organisation in the Business Register.
The legal basis for checking the identity of the authorised signatory can be found in Article 5, paragraph 1 of the Business Register decree ('Handelsregisterbesluit'). Checking the identity of the UBO is stated in Article 15a paragraph 3 of the Commercial Registers Act ('Handelsregisterwet').
For information on determining the UBOs of your organisation, go to:
- Determining the UBOs of a private limited company (bv or SCE, non-listed) or public limited company (nv or SE, non-listed)
- Determining the UBOs of a foundation
- Determining the UBOs of a general, professional, or limited partnership (vof, maatschap, or cv), EEIG, or shipping company
- Determining the UBOs of an association (with full legal capacity or with limited legal capacity, but with a business), a cooperative, or a mutual insurance association
All EU countries have their own UBO register. This is set out in the European regulation: the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (Directive EU) 2015/849. In the Netherlands, the UBO register is regulated in law in the Wwft Implementation Decree 2018 ('Uitvoeringsbesluit Wwft'), the Business Register Act 2007 ('Handelsregisterwet'), and the Business Register Decree 2008 ('Handelsregisterbesluit'). The UBO register is part of the Business Register.
Read more about the UBO register and the role of KVK.
Yes, KVK will send a confirmation of UBO registration to the organisation and the registered UBO(s).
Competent authorities such as investigative agencies can use a copy of a UBO's identity document for investigation purposes if there is a reason to do so. The legal basis for this is laid down in Section 15a(3)(a) of the Commercial Register Act 2007 ('Handelsregisterwet 2007').
KVK checks the BSN you enter in the UBO report against the copy of the proof of identity.
No, KVK has no legal power to grant a deferral. Not even for exceptional cases. This also applies to the Economic Enforcement Office (BEH) of the Tax and Customs Administration, which is responsible for enforcement.
Did you file your UBO report online? We have sent you a receipt confirmation email. Check your spam filter if you cannot find it.
We will send you an email and a letter once we have processed your UBO report.