Reporting incorrect UBO details

Institutions and competent authorities listed in the Act to combat money laundering and terrorist financing (Wwft) are required to complete a UBO feedback report if any UBO data is incorrect. You must report back the following: missing UBOs in the UBO register, persons wrongly listed in the UBO register, or an incorrect interest or size of interest of a UBO.

Do you already have access for reporting back UBO data?

You have access for reporting incorrect UBO data if you have a KVK account and authorisation.

Login for reporting back (in Dutch)

Do not have access yet?

Follow the steps below to report back incorrect UBO data.

Step 1: Apply for an account

To report back, you need a KVK account with an access code. If you do not yet have an account, create one yourself immediately with an access code.

Step 2: Apply for authorisation

Contact your relationship manager at KVK. Or mail to

Step 3: Start reporting back

Log in with your account and start reporting back.