Manufacturer or importer of cars or car tyres? Pay attention to the EPR

Did you know that in the Netherlands, as much as 99 % of every old car is reused? This is partly because, as a producer or importer of cars and car tyres, you have to deal with the extended producer responsibility (EPR. In Dutch: uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid, UPV). Your job is to ensure that used-up cars and car tyres are collected, processed and recycled.

Een UPV is een verzameling regels die ervoor zorgen dat je als producent of importeur verantwoordelijk blijft voor je producten, zelfs nadat de klant ze niet meer gebruikt. Als er een UPV voor jouw product geldt, moet je rekening houden met extra kosten en regels.

EPR is a set of rules that ensure that, as a manufacturer or importer, you remain responsible for your products even after the customer no longer uses them. If an EPR applies to your product, you need to take into account additional costs and rules.

EPR Cars and car tyres: for whom?

The EPR applies to you if:

  • you are a manufacturer or importer of cars or car tyres.
  • you are the first to bring cars or car tyres onto the Dutch market.

Obligatory notification

If the EPR applies to you, you must report your product to the appropriate organisation. You report cars to the producers' organisation Auto Recycling Nederland (ARN). You report car tyres to another organisation: RecyBEM. Tyres on trailers should also be reported to RecyBEM. When you register, you indicate how many products you bring onto the Dutch market each year.

Register car batteries

A separate EPR applies to (electric) car batteries and accumulators (in Dutch). Batteries are non-rechargeable or single-use. Accumulators are rechargeable batteries. You should also register these car parts with Auto Recycling Nederland.

Collection, processing and recycling

The producer organisations can arrange collection, processing and recycling for you. You pay a fixed annual amount for this, based on the number of products you bring onto the market. This is called the waste fee.

By law, in the Netherlands we have to recycle as much as 95% of the weight of all old and used cars. And we are succeeding: thanks to the process of collection and recycling, we can reuse almost 99 % (in Dutch) of every car in the Netherlands. Every year, the producer organisations report these results to Rijkswaterstaat.

Enforcement of EPR rules

Inspectorate for the Environment and Transport (ILT, in Dutch) checks whether all producers and importers register and comply with the rules. ILT can issue a warning or fine to businesses that fail to register and thus fail to comply with the EPR.