Video: How do I find new customers on Facebook and Instagram?

Half of all business owners do not ask for advice when they are facing business questions. A shame, because that can seriously impact their opportunities and growth.

In this episode, Korthom and Thomas help a bicycle shop owner. Thomas comes to the aid of Barry with Bike Laboratory in Amsterdam. They set about making a video and promoting it on Facebook. Korthom helps Nico of Nico’s Fietsen in Katwijk. They start a customer 'play and win' promotion to boost his Instagram. Who gets the best results?  

In P for Promotion, the social experts and vloggers Thomas van Grinsven (‘Gewoon Thomas’) and Thomas Brok (‘Korthom’) each help an entrepreneur with their promotional activities via social media. How do you find customers online, and how do you attract them? What will be your digital business strategy? They compete for the best result and show what can be done using social media like Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube to promote your business. You decide who wins each episode.Â