Register in advance with KVK
- Edited 29 November 2024
- 1 min
- Starting
Even if you have not yet started your company, you may need to register with the Business Register at the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK. Having a KVK number can be necessary while preparing: renting a building, applying for permits, or purchasing stock. Use the steps below to find out how to get a KVK number before you have started your business.
When to register in advance?
Are you preparing to start your own business? You can preregister at KVK. From the moment you register, the Netherlands Tax Administration (Belastingdienst) views you as an entrepreneur. Even if you do not have any clients or assignments. Because you are formally starting a business, you must also start submitting VAT returns (BTW, turnover tax) to the Tax Administration. If there is no turnover yet, you file a zero declaration.
This is how you register at KVK
Fill in a registration form and make an appointment online at one of the KVK offices. You need a valid proof of identity and pay the registration fee immediately. Check carefully in advance which documents you need to bring and which conditions these must meet. Also, think carefully about your company description. The company description indicates what your activities as an entrepreneur are. Based on your company description, the KVK advisor will determine a suitable  together with you. This code is used by government agencies, industry associations, pension funds, banks, and insurance companies.
Sign a lease without a KVK registration
Normally, you register your company a week before or after the start of your business activities. But do you need a KVK number to sign a rental contract? Then we can register with your private address for the time being. We put the address of the business premises in the business description. Once you have signed the lease or purchase contract, let us know that the address of your business changes. When doing so, upload the lease or purchase contract of your business premises. KVK will then update your registration so that the correct details are entered in the Business Register.
Note: Documentary evidence is required for registration, for example a letter of intent from the lessor, broker, or intermediary of the business premises.
Takeover / lease company
When taking over or leasing a company, we register you in your own name. Only when everything is complete and contracts have been signed do we add the trade name. You have to submit your new company name yourself via an online change.
If you start a business as a franchisee, you sometimes need a KVK number before you start your business activities. KVK then registers you at your home address and with your own name. Once the franchise contract is signed, you provide us with your company name and address online.
Preparatory phase
Are you in the preparatory phase of entrepreneurship and do you have to pay VAT on your purchases? If so, you can reclaim the VAT on costs and investments you make during this period from the Tax Administration.