How to make a living as a ‘vlogger’

Getting started as a vlogger is pretty easy. With a good camera on your phone, you can go far. Want to get serious about vlogging and make money from it? Then there are a number of things you need to take into account, such as rules about sponsored products or taxes you might have to pay. Read below what you have to deal with when you start vlogging and how to make money with YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram.

The number of professional vloggers is growing. On 1 January 2024, 1,548 entrepreneurs who call themselves vloggers, influencers or YouTuber were registered with KVK.

2020  532
2021  784

Earning money as a vlogger

There are several ways to earn money with vlogging:

Making money with YouTube

Before you start earning money, you need to spend quite some time on your channel. For instance, YouTube has a rule that you must have at least 4,000 hours of views within 12 months. In addition, you must have a minimum of 1,000 subscribers.


Most YouTubers make money is through ad revenue. For this, you need to link your YouTube account to an AdSense account. Your earnings increase when your followers watch the ads and watch the video to the end. You only receive money if you have built up 70 euros in ad revenues.

Please note that you must be at least 18 years old or have limited legal capacity to create an AdSense account.

Other ways to make money with YouTube

1. Memberships

This means that viewers can choose to sign up as members of your channel. As a member, they get certain benefits, such as exclusive content or badges. With these, they can show commitment and show their support for the channel. These monthly payments from members can be a source of income for the video maker.

2. Merchandise

By selling clothes, accessories or other products with your logo or design, you can also earn money. Make sure others don't counterfeit your merchandise and protect your brand through BOIP.

3. Sponsored content

If you have a lot of views and followers, sponsors will approach you for collaborations. They will suggest you use their product in your videos. This allows you to earn money or receive free articles.

4. Affiliate marketing

Through affiliate marketing you recommend products made by other entrepreneurs. Affiliate stands for partner. This partner gives you its own URL that you can put in the description of your video. Does a viewer buy something via this link? Then you get a share of the purchase price.

5.   Super Chat and Super Stickers

During livestreams, viewers can pay to send eye-catching stickers or mark their chat messages as 'Super Chat'. This allows them to get more attention and show their support for the content creator.

6.   YouTube Premium subscription

This is a subscription service from YouTube where viewers pay a monthly fee to watch ad-free videos and access exclusive content. Video makers can receive a share of revenue based on the viewing behaviour of Premium subscribers.

Not all content creators on YouTube can use these money-making features automatically. The content creator must be at least 18 years old and have a certain number of subscribers.

Making money with Instagram and TikTok

Besides YouTube, you can also make money by vlogging on other social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok. On these platforms too, you can collaborate with brands, use affiliate marketing and get started with influencer marketing. In addition, on Instagram, you can also use the Shop feature. On Tiktok, you can participate in the TikTok Creator Fund, where you can receive a share of TikTok's revenue.

Keep in mind that on these platforms it may also take some time to build a successful account.

Rules for vloggers

If you start working professionally as an influencer, you will have to deal with the following rules.

Media law

Professional vloggers must adhere to stricter advertising rules (in Dutch). For instance, they have to mention in their videos that they are advertising a product or are sponsored. Do you have 500,000 or more followers or subscribers? Then you may have to register with the Commissariaat voor de media (Dutch Media Authority, in Dutch). For this registration, you pay €232.76. Check here whether you also have to join Stichting Reclame Code and NICAM (in Dutch).

Quality hallmark for influencers

You can get a quality hallmark that shows companies that you know the advertising rules for influencers. Companies often find this important, so you may get more offers and collaborations with this hallmark. You  first have to take the test from Data-Driven Marketing Association (DDMA), the sector organisation supporting entrepreneurs such as influencers. If you pass the test, you get the seal of approval and your name appears on the DDMA website. You have to take the test every year. The fee for taking thios test is €50. 


You are not allowed to share videos that include other people. So make sure you are aware of privacy laws. In short, it means that you are free to film in public places and on public roads. It is important to know that the rules for filming in confined spaces can vary by country, region and situation. If you want to film in a confined space, it is wise to inform yourself well about the specific rules and permission requirements that apply to you.

Copyright and portrait rights

As a videographer, you automatically have copyright. You decide how, where and when others use your work. Portrait rights are part of copyright. It means that you cannot always publish videos of people without permission. So you own the copyright, but not the portrait right.

Taxes and administration

Making money with vlogging means keeping records and paying taxes. For instance, you have to pay income tax and pay VAT.

Hours registration

Start keeping an hours record immediately. This will give you an overview of the time you spend on your activities. You need this to make use of tax benefits such as the private business ownership allowance (zelfstandigenaftrek) and the tax relief for new companies (startersaftrek).

Business administration

You keep track of your income and expenditure in a business administration. This is compulsory. You need the details of your accounts for your tax return to the tax authorities. You can do your administration and declaration yourself or outsource it to a bookkeeper or accountant.

Registering with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK

If you want to earn money with vlogging, you need to register with KVK.

There is no minimum age to start your own business, but if you are a minor, you need permission from your parents or guardian to act. Think about ordering things or signing contracts. Not yet 18? Check out the step-by-step plan.

General starter information

In addition to the above, as a starting influencer you will (possibly) also have to deal with:

Video: Monica Geuze 'Vlogging isn't forever'

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Monica Geuze 'Vloggen is niet voor altijd'