Preparing for an appraisal interview as an employer

In an appraisal interview, you and your employee look back at the past period. You give each other feedback and discuss your future collaboration. Read how to best prepare for such an interview.

Obligations as an employer

Are you wondering what personnel matters you are required to take care of, and what you can take care of as an extra?

Open the tool

A performance review (beoordelingsgesprek) has a different purpose than an appraisal interview (functioneringsgesprek). In the Netherlands, a performance review is one-sided: you tell your employee what they are doing well and what could be improved. An appraisal interview is two-sided: you and your employee give each other mutual feedback.

How often?

How often you hold an appraisal interview is up to you. Does your employee do the same job all year? Then one appraisal interview per year is enough. Does the work change during the year? Or does your employee develop? Then several appraisals are necessary.


Use the following information about your employee as a basis for the appraisal interview:

  • The job description. This states, for example, what responsibilities your employee has.
  • Your employee's performance. Think about the results of projects, the employee's attendance, or sales figures.
  • Feedback from colleagues and customers. Ask within your team how others work with the employee or look at reviews from customers. Also, collect examples of things you appreciate in your employee and consider where you see opportunities for improvement.

Appraisal interview questions

Consider asking the following questions to your employee during the appraisal:

  • What went well last year?
  • Which goals did you achieve?
  • What went less well?
  • What do you want to improve next year?
  • How is collaboration with colleagues going?
  • What do you want for additional tasks within your role?
  • What do you want to learn?
  • What is your dream role?

Make a report for the personnel file

Make a written report after the appraisal interview. This is not compulsory, but it is a good idea. If there is ever a conflict between you and your employee, you need a record of the conversation as evidence.

Add the report to your employee’s personnel file. Keeping a personnel file is mandatory.

Improvement opportuntities for employees

If employees are not performing well, you should give them a chance to improve. Discuss the areas for improvement during an appraisal interview and make an improvement plan together. If your employee still does not meet the performance requirements, this can be used as evidence for dismissal.

Employee handbook

Do you have an employee handbook? It should say how often and when you hold performance reviews and appraisal interviews. And also what you discuss during these and any possible consequences. This prevents uncertainty.