How to draw up an absenteeism protocol

You and your employee must follow a number of rules in case of absenteeism. If you do not, you could face problems if your employee is ill for a long time. For instance, the UWV could impose a fine. Or you may end up paying your employee’s salary for longer than necessary. An absenteeism protocol gives your staff clarity on what to do when they are ill.

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What is an absenteeism protocol?

An absenteeism protocol is a document that sets out how you, as an employer, handle it if your employees are unable to work, for example due to illness or disability. An absence protocol is for both your employees and for those people who must implement the agreements in the protocol. For example, an HR manager or an executive. An absenteeism protocol is one of your obligations under the Wet verbetering poortwachter, Wvp (Eligibility for Permanent Incapacity Benefit Restrictions Act ). The Wvp sets out certain steps you must follow if an employee is ill for a long time. The purpose of the act is to get employees who are long-term sick back to work as soon as possible.

In an absenteeism protocol you describe:

  • What you mean by absenteeism. Think of sick leave but also absence without notification
  • How and to whom your employees must report sick
  • What rights and obligations you and your employees have

Difference between absenteeism protocol, health & safety policy and PSA policy

In addition to an absenteeism protocol, you must draw up a health and safety policy and a PSA policy. PSA stands for psychosociale arbeidsbelasting, psychosocial workload. The latter two policies are mandatory. The terms absenteeism protocol, health and safety policy and PSA policy are often used interchangeably, but they are 3 different documents. A health and safety policy and a PSA policy are also about your employees’ health and safety but are different from an absenteeism protocol because:

  • In your health and safety policy, you lay down what you do for the safety of your employees. For example, specially adjusted office chairs to prevent back pain or RSI.
  • In a PSA policy, you record what you do for the psychosocial well-being of your employees. Think of measures to reduce the workload, a confidential advisor with whom employees can discuss awkward situations, or rules of conduct to prevent bullying.

Include in your employee handbook

Communicate the agreements from your absenteeism protocol, health and safety policy, and PSA policy in your employee handbook. This way, you provide a clear overview of all agreements in your company and help prevent disputes with your employees.

How to draw up an absenteeism protocol

An absenteeism protocol must have at least the following.

1. How should your employee report sick?

Describe which channel your employee should use to report sick. Calling, emailing, or texting? Record every sick report in writing, for example, in the personnel file. According to the verbetering poortwachter, Wvp (in Dutch), you must report sick employees within 1 week to your occupational health and safety officer or company doctor. If you do not do this on time, it may affect how long you must continue paying an employee's salary in case of prolonged absence.

2. To whom should employees report sick?

State to whom employees should report sick. This could be you yourself or, for instance, a manager or HR officer. Preferably choose the person who can also immediately find a solution for any work that is unfinished. Point out to the chosen person that they should immediately register the sick report in writing. Note: you may not ask sick employees the reason for their illness.

3. What should employees provide when reporting sick?

Describe what information employees must provide when they call in sick. For example, about the work they must hand over and whether they must inform colleagues themselves. Also ask employees on which telephone number and at which address they can be reached during their absence.

4. What follows a sick report?

Set out the follow-up steps you will take if your employee is ill. Do you involve a company doctor and if so, when? Under the Wet verbetering poortwachter, you are obliged to take a number of steps in the event of long-term sick leave. If you do not do so, you may have to continue paying wages for longer. There may also be uncertainty about the employee's reintegration plan. A reintegration plan says when and how an employee will return to work. 

Absenteeism insurance

If your employee suffers long-term illness, you as the employer will pay 70% of their salary for the first 2 years. So, the costs can be enormous. You can insure yourself against those costs with verzuimverzekering (absenteeism insurance). Absenteeism insurance is not mandatory. Decide what risk you are willing and able to run or ask your accountant for advice.