KVK Guide for selling your business

Selling your business and transferring it to a new owner is a big decision. One that affects you, your staff, and sometimes your family. The entire process can take up to a few years. The KVK Guide for selling your business describes the key steps involved in selling a business, ranging from fact-finding to sale to valuation. And from negotiations to the period after the transfer.

Six steps 

Use the guide as a compass to help you cease your business in time. The following 6 steps of the selling process are relevant: 

  • Fact-finding 

  • Preparation 

  • Finding a buyer 

  • From contact to contract 

  • Transfer 

  • Post-transfer 

Benefits of the guide 

  • The various stages of the business sale process are clearly explained. 

  • Everything you need to know about preparation and getting ready to sell. 

  • Information on finding a buyer and the negotiations. 

  • Easy access to in-depth information. 

  • List of advisors/consultants who can assist you. 

  • Published by the leading independent source for businesses. 

Want to find out more about selling your business? Read Selling your business in 6 steps