Selling and takeovers
How do you arrange the sale of your business? And what is involved in taking over a business? Here you will find what to look out for.
Selling your business the basics
A guide to taking over a company
24 March 20254 min
A guide to taking over a company
24 March 20254 min
Taking over a business starts with good preparation. Because knowing what to expect increases your enthusiasm and chances of success. These 6 steps can help you achieve this.
Follow the stepsFinding a buyer for your business
13 April 20222 min
Finding a buyer for your business
13 April 20222 min
Want to sell your company? Then you need a buyer. Will it be someone from your network or will you opt for a management buy-out? Read about your options.
Go and findEnlisting help in preparation for a business transfer
22 February 20242 min
Enlisting help in preparation for a business transfer
22 February 20242 min
Are you going to take over a business or sell your business? These advisers can help you with that.
Use the list