Regularly check your registration with KVK

Your company is registered in the KVK Business Register. But is the information about your company still correct? Incorrect or outdated information can cause problems for you and your customers and suppliers. So, check your registration regularly and report changes to KVK.

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Your business evolves and your situation may change. Things like your visiting address, business activities, the names of people allowed to sign contracts, or your company and domain names. The details in your registration must match your company’s real situation. So check your details regularly and report changes to the KVK.

Risks of incorrect information

A deal fails because of an invalid contract. A municipality refuses a permit. A dream customer decides to do business with another company. These are all things that can happen if your details are incorrectly entered in the Business Register. The more up-to-date you keep your information, the easier you will be to find, and the smaller the chance of misunderstandings.

Function of the Business Register

The Business Register is the public Dutch base registry (basisregistratie) in which all companies and legal entities must register. The Business Register tells you who you are dealing with, who is authorised to sign, and whether a company is bankrupt. An extract from the Business Register gives you up-to-date information and legal certainty when doing business. Other authorities also use the data from the Business Register. To assess your application for a permit or a subsidy, for example. 

Watch this video for an explanation of why it is important to keep your company details up-to-date in the Business Register

Video: The importance of accurate business information

Third-party effect

Everyone must be able to trust that the information in the Business Register is up to date and correct This is called the third-party effect and is laid down in the Handelsregisterwet (Commercial Register Act, in Dutch) According to the law, if a company has not reported changes, what is stated in the Business Register still applies.

Are your details still correct? 

Via My KVK you can immediately check and change the details of your business. You log in with your DigiD. 

What company information and why?

What data is in the Business Register, why is it there, and what can you do with it? An explanation.

Customers and suppliers may change their mind about doing business with you because they do not trust you if they see that your information in the Business Register does not match reality.

1. Business Activities

A description of business activities is a short, clear description of what your company does. You are responsible for the text of this description. For example, “wholesale in kitchens and kitchen equipment, advice on kitchen design”. KVK codes these activities via the Standard Business Classification (SBI).

If you have the wrong information here, this can cause problems. For example, someone is looking for what your business offers, but does not contact you because it looks like you do not offer what they want. Customers and suppliers who would like to do business with you may also change their mind. For example, because they do not trust you when they see that your information in the Trade Register does not match reality.

The correct registration of the activities of your company is important for your customers, your suppliers, and your company insurance. But also, for example, for the collective labour agreement (CAO) and pension agreements that you must meet. Institutions such as Statistics Netherlands, the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), the Netherlands Tax Administration (Belastingdienst), and the municipality use the SBI code of your main activity to classify your company in a sector. If this SBI code is correct, you will receive the subsidy, or the support that suits your situation. For example, are you registered as an advertising agency but now work mainly as a book writer? If so, you may face problems when you apply for a grant that applies only to writers.

2. Address

Your vestiging or 'visiting address' is the place from which your company carries out activities. Are you renting an extra building or moving your company? Please report this change to the KVK. Otherwise people cannot find your company at the address in the Business Register. You need a company address to apply for permits from the municipality. For example, for your parking space, outside seating area, or renovation.

Please note: KVK only enter addresses in the Business Register that are listed in the Addresses and Buildings key register (BAG). You can check whether an address is listed using the BAG Viewer (in Dutch).

In certain situations, you can shield your business or visiting address. Your business address is then no longer public. Private addresses are always shielded in the Business Register. Your private address will only be shown if it is the same as your business address. 

3. Signing authority

Who represents your company? Who is authorised to sign certain documents or contracts on your company's behalf? This person(s) must be registered as authorised to sign in the Business Register. Is the information incorrect? Then you run the risk that signed contracts are not valid. Your customer or supplier will then not have to abide by the agreements in those contracts 

As the owner or director of a company or legal entity, you are authorised to sign yourself. But you can also give others the right to sign on behalf of your company. This is called a power of attorney. You can appoint an officer for this purpose. This authorised representative may be an employee, but also, for example, a family member. If, for example, you go on holiday or fall ill, it is convenient to give someone a power of attorney.

4. Employed persons

The number of employees per company is registered in the Business Register. The employed persons consist of the cooperating owners, partners, and employees. Arrangements for, for example, subsidies, filing annual accounts, or the obligation for a works council are based on the number of employees.  Is the number of employed persons listed in the Business Register incorrect? Then you may not get a subsidy you want even though you are entitled to it.

5. Trade name

People use the Business Register when they want to check whether they are dealing with a fake company. If your trade name or the name of your website is different from the name registered, they may start to have doubts. Are you really from the company you name? Can you be trusted?

In addition, starting entrepreneurs who search for a company name in the Business Register can see whether their favourite name is still available or if it is already being used by another company.