Prevent misuse of your company name or details

Criminals scour the internet, looking for your business details to misuse. Their goal is to defraud others with your company’s identity. Be alert and protect your business from the various forms of business identity fraud.

In business identity fraud, fraudsters act on behalf of your company. To do this, the scammers use the information they find on the internet about your company. Scammers also get data about you and your business via stealing confidential paper documents or a data breach


Victims of business identity fraud notice, for example, that someone else is making purchases or sending fake invoices on behalf of their company. Or that someone is impersonating their company on social media. It can lead to reputational damage, making customers and business partners less likely to trust you or do business with you. You can also lose turnover when money is transferred not to you, but to scammers.

Forms of business identity fraud

There are different forms of identity fraud:

Invoice fraud

In invoice fraud, scammers use your business name and details to send your customer a fake invoice. That invoice looks a lot like the invoices you normally send. Criminals use your logo, your styling, and even your signature to appear trustworthy. Only the account number is different, so the money does not end up with you but with the criminals.

Online shop fraud

Scammers can also misuse your identity by creating a fake online shop. Here, the criminals offer all kinds of products that they do not deliver. Angry customers then knock on your door, thinking the website is yours. Does a fake website misuse your company name? Then check who runs the site on

Social media fraud

If someone pretends to be your company on social media, you can report it. Social media platforms like Facebook, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn have a dedicated page on their website for this purpose. They can investigate your report and block or remove the fake account.

Order fraud

Someone orders products in your company's name but has them delivered to another address. You know nothing about this order but get the bill.

Preventing business identity fraud 

Protect your business from business identity fraud. Key measures you can take: 

  • Set up a Google Alert for your company name. You will then be notified automatically whenever your company name is mentioned on the internet. That way, you can immediately see when a fraudster is creating a site under your name. 

  • Handle company and personal data with care. Implement a clean desk policy.

  • Check your public domain name details via Whois or SIDN. Ask your web hosting provider if they shield your sensitive information if possible. Think of (email) addresses, phone numbers, and employee names. Do leave the email address of a technical contact so that, for example, cybersecurity organisations can alert you to digital threats.

  • If you have staff, make sure you discuss the risk of fraud with them, such as sharing confidential company data. 

Has your identity been misused? 

Is a fraudster using your business details for online deception or to send fake invoices? Alert your customers, suppliers, and other partners. Business identity fraud is a criminal offence. Report it to the Fraud Helpdesk and file a report with the police. You can also report identity fraud to the Central Identity Theft and Error Reporting Centre (CMI, in Dutch).