Determine the burglary risk of your premises and take action

The damage after a burglary in your business can be extensive. Think of lost turnover due to theft of goods, and loss of business documents. But also the burglary damage, such as broken windows. Financial damage is not the only thing: arranging matters after a burglary takes a lot of time and energy. Time you would rather spend on business.

Cyber Magazine SECURE IT!

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More than 40% of businesses are victims of burglary. This is according to figures from the Centre for Crime Prevention and Safety (the CCV). How do you make your business premises secure? Determine your risk level with an online tool and take appropriate measures.

Determine your risk

The security measures that suit your business depend on your situation. For example, how many valuables are there? Determine the risk of burglary with the Improved Risk Classification (VRKI 2.0, in Dutch), developed by the Dutch Association of Insurers. With this online tool, you can calculate which risk level your business falls into. You also see immediately which security measures go with this level. The VRKI 2.0 also includes a list of items that are attractive to criminals, such as mobile phones and branded clothing. Especially the attractiveness and value of your belongings determines the risk level of your business.

"Look at the risks of your business premises and choose a tailored burglary. This involves the right combination of security measures," says Tanja Stoops, CCV advisor.

Take measures

"The VRKI consists of 4 risk levels. Businesses at level 1 have the lowest risk, those at level 4 the highest. Organisational, structural and electronic security measures belong to each risk level. Before getting started on the security measures, always contact your insurer. They may impose additional requirements, for example when attractive and high-value goods are involved," says Stoops.

Below are the most important organisational, structural and electronic security measures. Which actions you need to take depends on your risk level. 

Organisational measures

Organisational measures are perhaps the most important of all security measures. For example, house rules, staff screening, and good key management. Because security only makes sense if everyone keeps to the agreements.

Establish house rules

Draw up house rules that answer questions such as:

  • Who has access to your business premises and where are they allowed to go?
  • What data can be accessed by whom?
  • Where and how will data be stored?
  • Which items are difficult to replace and need to be stored, for example in a safe?

Screen your staff

Sometimes criminals get help from the inside. For example, an employee who passes on the alarm code to a burglar. Employ reliable staff. By screening, you limit the risks. Ask for references, search for information about your applicant on the internet and ask for a certificate of conduct (VOG).

Ensure good key management

Reduce the chances of a thief stealing a key. Do not put keys in places where burglars expect them. Register which employees have a key and have the employee sign for receipt. This way, you make staff co-responsible for good key management. Work with certified keys: making a key can only be done with a pass or certificate. Set up an obligation to report the loss of a key.

Lock your premises carefully. Check that all windows and doors are locked and activate the alarm system. Make arrangements about who is responsible for opening and closing your premises.

Prevent climbing in

Clear the premises and keep it well-organised. Prevent climbing opportunities for burglars around your building. "More than eighty per cent of burglaries are committed by casual thieves. They often use your ladders, crates and rolling containers to get in. Do not leave these lying around. Also, regularly prune planting around the premises. This will prevent a burglar from entering unseen," advises Stoops.

Hire a security company

Does your premises fall into a high risk category? You can hire a private security company. Such a business will help you observe, monitor and liaise with the police. And if possible, work together with other entrepreneurs, for example in a business park or shopping area. That way, you limit the costs.

Architectural and electronic measures

Structural measures go a step further. This makes it more difficult for burglars to enter your premises. Think about:

  • SKG-approved hardware for windows and doors
  • burglar-proof glazing
  • burglar-proof roller shutters or grilles
  • security lighting with movement sensors, inside and outside
  • anti-ramming posts in front of the facade

In addition to organisational and structural measures, electronic measures may be necessary. This depends on your risk level. With a burglar alarm system, access control system or security camera, you detect burglars quickly and alert the police.

Install a security camera

Does your camera have the burglar on camera? Then the police are more likely to catch them. A camera outside your premises also has a preventive effect. A visible security camera scares off criminals. They would rather choose an easier target, without cameras, where they run less risk.

Install an alarm system

Install a good alarm system and change the access codes for switching on or off regularly. This will prevent code leaks, for instance when the number of users increases or an employee leaves. Or get an alarm system with electronic keys instead of codes.

Link the alarm system

Link the alarm system to a private alarm centre. This is a control room staffed 24/7. The control centre receives notification when persons get too close to your building. If a burglary is attempted, the alarm centre will call you immediately.

Enquire about an environment and planning permit

Installing an alarm in your premises usually requires an environment and planning permit. Especially if the alarm system makes a distinctive sound or light signal. Check via Omgevingsloket online (in Dutch) whether you need a permit. Engage a BORG-certified security company for the installation. They are reliable and deliver quality.