My eenmanszaak

View the registration details of your eenmanszaak (sole proprietorship) online. You can check and change the details easily. Login using DigiD (in Dutch) to continue.

Reporting changes

Changes you cannot yet report via My eenmanszaak

You cannot yet submit the following changes via My eenmanszaak:

  • shield or unshield your visiting address
  • register or deregister an authorised representative
  • change the details of an existing authorised representative (including title, name, address, suspension) 
  • register or close a branch office,
  • close or transfer your eenmanszaak,
  • change the legal structure of your eenmanszaak
  • change details of the branches (in case of multiple branches)
  • change the number of employees
  • change the message box name

If you want to report 1 of these changes, use the online change portal (in Dutch).

View the details of your eenmanszaak online

Log in to My eenmanszaak with DigiD (above). Choose your eenmanszaak (sole proprietorship) to view your data easily and for free. The data that you view online corresponds to the data as shown on the extract from the Business Register.

Instantly view, check, and change details

You will see all public data as can be found on the extract of the Business Register. This way, you can immediately check whether the information of your eenmanszaak is still up to date. If you want to change the data, you can do that right away.

Please note: the effective date of the change is always the date of submission of the change. If you want to report a change for a different effective date, either in the past or in the future, use the online change portal.

Easily order an extract from the Business Register

Do you need a certified extract of your current registration? You can order this directly from the overview of your company. Have you changed your company details? Then you can order a certified extract with the new data from your company overview after the change has been processed.

If you do not have a DigiD

If you do not have a DigiD, you can report a change in your company details or the deregistration of your eenmanszaak via:

Submit a change without DigiD

Register a new eenmanszaak?

You can view the details of an existing eenmanszaak via this page. Do you want to register a new sole proprietorship? Go to Registering an eenmanszaak and follow the steps.

How do I report a change?

Watch the video and see the 10 steps for reporting a change in your eenmanszaak details. The video is in Dutch but the subtitles can be automatically translated into many languages.

Changing your eenmanszaak details

FAQ about My eenmanszaak

Apply for DigiD via You need your citizen server number (BSN) to apply.

Do you live outside the Netherlands and do not have a DigiD? Check which situation applies to you.

  • You have Dutch nationality. You can apply for a DigiD. The DigiD website tells you how to do this.
  • You do not have Dutch nationality. Follow these steps to apply for a DigiD:
    • First register with the Non-Residents Records Database (RNI).
    • After registration with the RNI, you will immediately receive a citizen service number (BSN).
    • With this BSN you can apply for a DigiD. The DigiD website tells you how to do this.