Changing or adding business activities
- 2 April 2024
- Edited 4 March 2025
- 1 min
Do you want to report a change in your business activities? You can do so via My KVK. You log in with DigiD.
You can also report your changed activities online or using Form 14
Adjust/change the order of business activities
Do you want to change the order of your business activities? Then you also need to change the order of the SBI codes using Form 18.
Legal entities: description in the articles of association
Check carefully whether the description listed in the deed covers the new activities. Is this not the case? Then have the articles of association amended by a notary. If in doubt, contact your notary.
SBI code
We assign SBI  that match your business activities. You may also suggest an SBI code yourself. We will determine the final SBI codes for your business activities.
An overview of all SBI codes can be found on our website. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) also has an online interactive tool to look up SBI (in Dutch). This allows you to find the right SBI code for a business activity.
Correcting SBI codes
Are your business activities listed correctly, but is the corresponding SBI code incorrect? Please contact us by phone (choose option 1 in the telephone menu). We will then correct it for you.
SBI code and insurance
Make sure your SBI code matches what you do as an entrepreneur. Insurers use your SBI code to calculate your premium. If you incur damage that does not match the activities you carry out according to your SBI code, the insurance will not cover it. Do you often carry out different activities? Report this to us and to your insurer. We will also register your other activities. The insurer can adjust your premium accordingly. This way you can be sure that damage is covered for all your activities.
Changing business activities and the Tax Administration
We report the change of activities to the Tax (in Dutch). You may not have to file a VAT return, for example, because your business activities are exempt. If these activities change or you start new activities, you may have to submit a VAT return. You will automatically be notified of this by the Tax Administration.
Do you currently have activities that are subject to VAT and are changing to activities that are not subject to VAT? Please contact the Tax to inform them of this. Otherwise, you will still have to to file a VAT return.
Consequences for (financial) institutions
If you change your business activity, this may have consequences for, for example, permits from the municipality, financing, insurance, pension funds, or your company’s bank account. Consult the website of the relevant (financial) institution to find out which steps you need to follow if you change your company’s activities.