Registering an owners’ association
- Edited 10 October 2023
- 1 min
Every owners’ association (Vereniging van Eigenaren, VvE) must be registered in the Business Register. The notary will register a newly formed VvE on your behalf.
If your VvE has not been registered yet, please do so by submitting the forms below.
Registration forms
- VvE (owners’ association) registration form (form 5)
- VvE (owners’ association) director registration form (form 22)
Enclose supporting documents
Please enclose the following supporting documents with the forms.
- A copy of a valid ID belonging to the director/directors of the VvE.
- A copy of the subdivision deed certified* by the director/directors if the VvE was established before 1 July 2008.
- An original, notarised copy of the subdivision (splitsingsakte) deed if the VvE was established after 1 July 2008.
- A copy of the minutes of the meeting signed by the director/directors showing the appointment of the director/directors.
- A copy of the attendance list signed by all owners present at the meeting.
*certified: each page has been initialled by the director/directors and the last page has been signed
If you do not have the subdivision deed, you can order a copy from the Dutch Land Registry (in Dutch) for a fee.
Submit registration forms and documents
Please send the forms and documents to the KVK postal address.
Confirmation and registration fee
After registration, KVK will send by post a confirmation of registration and an invoice for the registration fee. You can immediately apply for a certified extract from the Business Register.
Frequently asked questions
To register a new enterprise or organisation, you must pay a registration fee. If you want to purchase a certified KVK Extract from the Business Register when you register, you can do this directly.
You do not have to provide the model regulations. In form 5: Registration of a stichting, vereniging, or VvE, you only need to indicate which model regulations you are using.
Does the VvE have an addendum or amendment to this agreement? Or does it have an agreement other than a model agreement? Then submit the full version.
Has the Owners' Association (VvE) been established with model regulations? Then select one of the model regulations on Form 5 (register a foundation or association). You can find the model regulations at . Does the VvE use one of the model regulations with an extension or addition? Enclose a (signed) copy of this extension or addition.
Was the VvE established with a different set of regulations and you do not have this? Request these regulations from the notary who drew up the deed of subdivision.
Does the notary office where the deed of subdivision was drawn up no longer exist? You can find the successor in the 'Opvolgersarchief' on (in Dutch).
As long as the division of the property has not been annulled and the owner’s association (VvE) still exists, it must be registered in the Business Register. A VvE can only be dissolved after annulment of the division by a deed from a civil-law notary.
Register a VvE with KVK
Do you want to register a VvE that was set up before 1 July 2008? You need the following:
- Form 5: registering a foundation, association, or owners' association
- Form 22: registering an official for a foundation, association, or owners' association without a company
- A copy of a valid form of ID for each official of the VvE
- A copy of the deed of division, validated by a director. 'Validated' means: the director's initials on each page and the director's signature on the last page
- A copy of the minutes of the meeting which state the appointment of the director(s), signed by the director(s)
- A copy of the attendance register, signed by all owners in attendance at the meeting
If you do not have the deed of division, you can order a paid copy from the Netherlands (Land Registry and Mapping Agency, in Dutch).
Submitting forms and documents
Send the completed and signed forms and documents to the KVK postal address.
Confirmation and registration fee
After registration, you will receive a confirmation and an invoice for the registration fee by post. You can immediately order a certified KVK Business Register Extract.
It is free to submit a change. Are you registering a new business, a continuation, an acquisition, a merger, or a demerger? And will you get a new KVK number? Then you must pay a registration fee.
New KVK extract
After the change is made, you can order a KVK Business Register Extract. There is a fee for this.
Yes, you must still register an owners’ association (VvE), even if the apartments rights are held by a single owner. An association usually arises when there is more than 1 member. In the case of a VvE, the association arises because there are multiple apartment rights. These apartments rights can be owned by 1 or more owners.
Organise a meeting with the owners. You can appoint the board at this meeting. The board consists of the owners and/or an outside party.
Board appointment rules
Certain rules apply to the appointment. These rules are set out in the deed of division of the VvE or in the model agreement referenced in the deed of division.
Registration with KVK
We need the following documents to register the new director(s):
- Form 22 Registration Executive staff member of a foundation, association, or owners' association without a company ;
- a copy of a valid form of ID for the new director(s);
- a copy of the minutes of the meeting attesting to appointment of the director(s), signed by the director(s);
- a copy of the attendance register, signed by all owners in attendance at the meeting.
Send it only by post
Send the signed and completed form with the above documents to the KVK postal address.
Change of visiting address, postal address or contact details
Has the VvE’s visiting address, postal address, telephone number, or email address also changed? Then use Form 14 Change business/branch detail. Send the signed and completed forms together with the above documents to the KVK postal address.
Are there board members who no longer respond to attempts to contact them?
Organise a meeting. The VvE's articles of association explain how to remove a board member. You can then appoint a new board member.
Only the board of the VvE is authorised to register it. As an apartment owner, you cannot do this yourself. Please inform the director of the VvE of the registration obligation and the responsibility of the director.
Failure to register the VvE is an offence. It may be subject to a fine. All apartment owners bear joint and several liability for paying this fine.
When the right to an apartment is sold, the bank will check whether the VvE is entered in the Business Register. If it is not, this may pose problems when arranging a mortgage.
The board of an Association of Owners (VvE) can consist of members (appartment owners), but this is not mandatory. The general members' meeting can also appoint an external director. The board consists of one or more persons. Often, the division deed states that it must be an odd number.
Until 1992, the law used the term 'administrator', but it now uses 'director'. However, in addition to the director, a VvE can still appoint an administrator as an authorised representative. In these cases, the administrator may, for example, be an organisation that manages VvEs professionally.
According to the law, apartment buildings established before 1 December 1972 were not required to set up an owner’s association (VvE). If an association was not set up at that time or since then, the rights and obligations of the co-owners are set out in the deed of division. If you have a deed of division from before 1 December 1972 and neither this deed nor any addenda refer to a VvE, you are not required to register an association.
Register an association with KVK
However, there may be an association with what is known as 'limited legal capacity'. You can register this informal association in the Business Register. It is not compulsory. You will need the following documents:
- Form 5: register a foundation, association or owners' association. Use this to register an association with limited legal capacity.
Please note, you cannot put the words 'vereniging' or 'VvE' in the name of the association. - Form 22: register an executive staff member of a foundation, association, or VvE without a company). This is to register the officers of an association.
- A copy of a valid form of ID for each director of the association.
- A copy of the deed of division, validated by a director. 'Validated' means: director initials on each page and director signatures on the last page.
- A copy of the minutes of the meeting attesting to appointment of the director(s), signed by the director(s).
- A copy of the attendance register, signed by all owners in attendance at the meeting.
If you do not have the deed of division, you can order a copy from the Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping (in Dutch, for a fee).
KVK registration forms
You can download all necessary KVK forms on our website.
Submit registration forms and documents
Send the forms and documents to the KVK postal address.
After registration, we will send a registration confirmation and an invoice for the one-time registration fee by post. You can immediately request a certified KVK Business Register Extract.