Registering an eenmanszaak in 3 steps

You can register an ‘eenmanszaak’ (sole proprietorship) in 3 steps. First, check whether you meet the necessary criteria and need to register.

When do you have a business?

Step 1: prepare your registration

Please complete the digital registration form as fully as possible. This allows us to serve you best when you visit an office to finalise your registration.

Start your registration (in Dutch)

Step 2: make an appointment

You must visit KVK in person to complete your registration. Have you fully completed the registration form? After filling in your details, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to make an appointment.

Step 3: finalise your registration at a KVK office

During your appointment, a KVK employee will check your identification and check whether you meet the registration requirements.

Costs of registration