Registering a church organisation (congregation)

To register a church organisation, follow these steps.

Would you like to register an independent body of a church organisation (a member of Interkerkelijk Contact in Overheidszaken (CIO, in Dutch)) in the Business Register? Or change the details of any such independent body? Please contact the church organisation in question. 

1. Download and fill in the form

Download form 27: ‘church organisation registration form’. The form states who is authorised to sign the form. Please consider the following:

Directors and authorised representatives

Directors and authorised representatives are not registered in the Business Register, even if the church organisation runs a business. The church organisation’s record in the Business Register may not contain any details that can be traced back to a natural person. In order, for example, to prevent discrimination on the basis of religion.

Telephone number

The organisation’s phone number may not be the private phone number of a member of the congregation, as this would be personally identifiable information.

2. Collect supporting documents

  • The church statute, signed by at least 2 directors. These statutes may be in Dutch or in another language. If the bylaws are filed in another language, a sworn translation is required by law (Article 35, in Dutch). These articles of association are public.
  • If the church has no statute, bring a written statement from several members of the congregation to demonstrate the existence of a congregation. This statement must be signed by at least 2 members of the congregation and specify the name of the congregation and its objective.
  • Minutes of the board meeting or letters of appointment showing that the person signing the form is also a director. At least 2 directors must sign the minutes.
  • A copy of the lease, purchase, or rental agreement, which is signed by 2 parties. Or a declaration of consent for the visiting address. A statement of consent must also be accompanied by a copy of a valid ID belonging to the owner of the property. The visiting address of a church organisation may not be the private address of one of the members of the congregation. An address of an independent third party, such as an accountant or notary, is allowed.

3. UBOs

If the congregation is required to be registered in the Business Register and it is not part of a Dutch umbrella organisation (i.e. there is no higher level of aggregation), you must also register the congregation’s UBOs. Please complete form 34 (in Dutch) and bring it to the appointment along with the requested supporting documents. 

4. Visit a branch of KVK to complete your registration

Although no directors are registered, the signatory (director) must visit a branch of the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK in person. 

  • You can make an appointment at any KVK office.
  • Plan your appointment well in advance. There may be waiting times at busy KVK offices
  • Bring valid ID and the necessary forms and supporting documents.
  • Registration is free for church organisations.
  • Log in with DigiD to make an appointment


How quickly we process your change depends on how you communicate your change to us. We process a change you make online faster than a change by post. Check the current processing times on our website.

If the information you provide is not correct, we will contact you.

Are you submitting a change for a future date? Then you will only see the change in the Business Register on that date. For the UBO register, you cannot submit changes with an effective date in the future. 

We cannot provide information about the status between the time of receipt and processing.

After your change has been processed in the Business Register and/or UBO register, you will receive official confirmation by letter, or digitally via your Message Box account. Are you submitting the change online? Then you will also receive confirmation by email.

You can see the details of all organisations you are currently registered with via My KVK. You also see the UBOs of an organisation for which you are allowed to file a report. And you can see your own UBO details if you yourself are listed as a UBO in the UBO register.Â