Choose your legal form Read more about choosing a legal form or make a choice below.Eenmanszaak (sole proprietorship)An eenmanszaak (sole proprietorship) is a legal form in which you are solely responsible for the business. You are privately liable for business debts.Vennootschap onder firma (VOF, general partnership)Start a business with a business partner, and work together with one trade name.Commanditaire vennootschap (CV, limited partnership)Start a business with an invester.Maatschap (professional partnership)Exercise your profession as a self-employed professional with others. For example as dentists, architects, physical therapists, vets, farmers, or lawyers.Besloten vennootschap (BV) or naamloze vennootschap (NV)With a BV (comparable to a private limited company) you reduce the risk of being held personally liable for your company's debts. Do you need a lot of capital for your company? Then choose the NV (comparable to the public limited company).Stichting, vereniging, or VvE (foundation, association, or owners' association)The notary usually registers a new stichting, vereniging (provided there is a notarial deed involved), or vereniging van eigenaars (owners' association) on your behalf. You can also take care of the registration yourself.Taking over or continuing a businessWith a company takeover, the KVK number usually changes. You must re-register the company.A new officialDo you want to register several officials? Please make a separate appointment for each official.Other legal structuresForeign legal structures or entitiesRegister your foreign legal entity or entity if you have at least one branch in the Netherlands.European public limited company or SEIf you have operations in several countries, a European legal form can be useful.European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)EU companies can set up an EEIG to work together.Societas Cooperativa Europaea (SCE)Also known as the European Cooperative Society. You can register a Societas Cooperative Europaea (SCE) in all EU member states. You can also move the headquarters to another country without dissolving and re-establishing the legal form.Rederij (shipping company)Several vessels of a shipping company are operated under a single name.Public legal entityA public legal entity is, for instance, a municipality, independent administrative body, or university.Other legal entities under private lawA legal entity under private law is, for example, a farming land owners’ association (boermarke), a foundation (fundatie), neighbourhood unit (buurtschap), religious organisation (church congregation, parish, or part thereof), or guild.Religious communitiesCheck the rules and register a religious community.