Press release

19th KVK Innovation Top 100

Innovative SME businesses can apply now

KVK is calling on all innovative SME entrepreneurs in the Netherlands to apply for the KVK Innovation Top 100 2024, the largest innovation showcase in the Netherlands. The innovations will be judged, among other things, on originality, growth potential, sustainability and impact for the industry and society. The product or service must be marketed. You can apply until 1 August.

A new feature is that entrepreneurs can register for one of 5 categories: Circular Economy, Energy Transition, Labour Market and Society, Food, Water and Infrastructure or Health and Care. Twenty finalists per category will be named and 3 winners chosen (gold, silver and bronze). 

Expert juries

Each category has its own expert jury. These jury members are aware of the latest innovations on the market and have relevant knowledge to assess the innovations. In October, the 100 businesses and their innovations will be presented to the Dutch public and in November, during the KVK Innovation Top 100 Event, it will become clear who the 3 winners per category are. KVK will then also announce which entrepreneur can call himself the most innovative SME business in the Netherlands and take over from Ferr-Tech.

Cherry on the cake

Judith le Fèvre, CEO of Ferr-Tech on the KVK Innovation Top 100: ‘With pride and passion for innovation, we received the title “Most innovative SME company of the Netherlands” from KVK last year. This recognition is not only a crowning of our hard work, but also a promise for the future. The award has opened new doors, put our innovation firmly on the podium, but also strengthened our belief in the power of innovation. It has energised our team, connected them even more strongly and inspired them to keep experimenting and innovating with the aim of contributing to the ever-growing problem of clean water scarcity.’

North Holland frontrunner

North Holland was best represented in the 18th edition of the KVK Innovation Top 100 with 22 businesses, followed by South Holland with 20 businesses and North Brabant with 17. After agri-food (17 innovations), a large proportion of innovations came from the ICT sector (16) and the healthcare sector (16). The KVK Innovation Top 100 deliberately has no (cash) prize attached to it. The power of the initiative is to show what Dutch SMEs are capable of.


To apply for the KVK Innovatie Top 100, go to Apply for the Innovation Top 100 ( You have until 1 August.