KVK Recent changes check

Check the most recent reported changes of a company or legal entity.

What is it and what do you get?

The KVK Recent changes check (Actualiteitencheck in Dutch) gives you the date on which the most recent change was reported to a registration. You can request the change details by telephone. You will receive the requested information directly.

Which details prompt a change date? 

If one of the following details changes, the most recent change date is updated:

  • Status of the registration: active or not active.

  • Change in (trade) names, main address, activities, visiting or postal address, capital, legal structure, special legal status, and limitations in legal capacity. 

  • Change in the number of employed persons.

  • Change in communication details.

  • Status of the registration: bankruptcy or suspension of payments.  

  • Special legal status: guardianship and / or debt restructuring. 

  • Change in functions (roles), authorisations, and / or power of attorney. 

  • Change deed last amendments of the articles of association.
  • Dissolution.
  • Change shareholder and (de)registration of an official.

  • Filed documents.

Which details are not included?

Not all changes are linked to the KVK Recent changes check. As soon as this alters, we will adjust this page. 

How do I request the most recent change date?

You request the most recent change date by telephone, on 0900 – 123 45 67 (€ 0.90 per minute). The service is only available in Dutch.