KVK Mutation service

Sign up and receive prompt notifications about current changes in the Business Register.

What can you use it for?

The KVK Mutation service gives you a direct notification when something changes in the Business Register. 

  • 24/7 notifications about changes in the Business Register.
  • Wide range of options you want to receive notifications about (such as SBI code, number of persons employed, municipality, province).
  • The notifications give you reliable and up-to-date details from the authoritative source of company information of the Netherlands.
  • The subscription is only available in Dutch.

How does it work?

Before you start using the service, you decide for which target audience you want to get notifications. 


  • All registrations in municipality X. 
  • All registrations within certain postal area codes.
  • All registrations within province X with more than Y persons employed. 

You do not have to take action right away after getting a notification. Save the change and download the newest information later via the KVK API or KVK Dataservice. 

Fair use policy

We operate under a fair use policy to ensure that this product is used correctly and suits your organisation. Want to know more? Contact us at: account@kvk.nl.

How do I connect?

You can connect to KVK Mutation service in 2 ways: 
•    Market parties connect directly via KVK (Json).
•    Government parties connect preferably using Digilevering by Logius (XML).

More information?

Want to know more about the KVK Mutation service?


View the tariff overview. Public bodies resor t under Input financing (in Dutch). 


Each year, there are circa 350,000 new registrations and 2,300,000 changes in the entire Business Register. Nearly half of those are changes in the details of a branch office, and a third changes in officials.  

When you start your subscription, you receive a list of KVK numbers. This is the result of the population you have assembled, based on population criteria. You use this list (the population) to determine for which KVK numbers you want to order a product. To avoid an overload, the moment for ordering products is usually decided in consultation.