KVK Business Register Group structure overview
Find out how the business of your customer, business partner, or competitor is structured. Contact companies related to existing business partners, or find out more about the business structure of your competition.
What do you get?
A KVK Group Structure Overview provides an overview of the corporate relationships between a group’s legal persons, collaborative partnerships, and foreign organisations. Three corporate relationships are shown:
- sole shareholder (owns 100% of the shares)
- liable party
- director
Order a KVK Group Structure Overview
Search by name or KVK number and order the variant you need.
KVK Group Structure Overview variants
'Totale concern'
With the ‘Totale concern’ variant you get an overview of the registrations with their mutual corporate relationships. This gives insight into:
- The registrations that form part of one group structure, and which registration is at the top.
- Which legal persons, collaborative partnerships, and foreign organisations are the sole shareholder, liable party, and/or director of this group structure.
- The function of the legal person within the group relationship: Sole shareholder (shown as ‘E’ for ‘Enig aandeelhouder’), Liable party (shown as ‘A’ for ‘Aansprakelijke’), or Director (shown as ‘B’ for ‘Bestuurder’).
- The status in case of bankruptcy and suspension of payments.
- A foreign organisation with a foreign registration number, the international business register used, and their location (if this is available within the overview).
'Directe relaties’
With the ‘Directe relaties’ variant you see only the legal persons directly above and below the selected registration. This gives insight into:
- How a legal person is directly related to another legal person. The total group is not shown.
- Of which legal persons, collaborative partnerships, and foreign organisations the selected registration is the sole shareholder, liable party, and/or director.
- The function of the legal person within the group relationship: Sole shareholder (shown as ‘E’ for ‘Enig aandeelhouder’), Liable party (shown as ‘A’ for ‘Aansprakelijke’), or Director (shown as ‘B’ for ‘Bestuurder’).
- The status in case of bankruptcy and suspension of payments.
- A foreign organisation with a foreign registration number, the international business register used, and their location (if this is available within the overview).
You will find the price of all KVK products in the KVK tariff overview.
Legislative changes
Changes in legislation and regulations (in Dutch) may have consequences for the content of the KVK Business Register Group Structure Overview.
Frequently Asked Questions
A VOF (general partnership), CV (limited partnership), maatschap (professional partnership), or rederij (shipping company) is only visible if it has a legal entity as partner (vennoot or maat) or member.
The Group structure overview contains all current relations. That includes the relationships of active legal entities with non-active legal entities, partnerships and/or foreign organisations.
No, because not every legal entity is part of a group of companies.
No, you only see the 100% shareholders
No. Due to privacy we cannot show these relationships.
The Group Structure Overview does not show detailed information about the registrations. Do you want to know more? For example, when an inactive registration has been terminated, dissolved or deregistered. And what was the possible reason for this? Then order a KVK Business Register extract.