KVK Dataservice financial statements
- Edited 15 May 2023
- 1 min
Use KVK Dataservice to receive a filed financial statement in XBRL or pdf format. You can integrate the statement into your own system directly.
What do you get?
A financial statement consists of at least the (simplified) balance sheet. The larger the company, the more information is required. For example, a profit and loss account, and explanatory notes from the company.
In which formats is the financial statement available?
You can request the financial statement in the format in which it was filed, XBRL or PDF. XBRL financial statements that have been converted are available in pdf format.
Change your existing connection
If you are already connected to KVK Dataservice and would like to receive financial statements, please contact your account manager or our Sales Department (account@kvk.nl) for more information on how to receive financial statements through KVK Dataservice.
Filing in XBRL
XBRL (based on XML) is an open standard for exchanging financial data digitally. With XBRL, you can import financial statements directly into your system.
Since the 2016 financial year, micro and small legal entities have been required to file their financial statements with KVK in XBRL format (via SBR or ZDJ). Since the 2017 financial year, that requirement has also applied to medium-sized legal entities and it is expected to be rolled out to large legal entities and legal entities permitted to file as if they were large as of the 2025 financial year. Companies required to file under foreign law are exempted from this requirement. Starting from the 2021 financial year, securities issuers have been allowed to file in XHTML-iXBRL, but KVK Dataservice cannot yet provide this format.
XBRL has no substantive impact on financial statements. The entrepreneur remains responsible for the contents and timely delivery of the financial statements. Here is a list of everything legal entities are required to file.
Elements of an XBRL annual account
The elements of XBRL financial statements are described in the NT: the Nederlandse Taxonomie (Dutch Taxonomy). The NT defines all data needed to prepare financial statements in XBRL, in accordance with the legal provisions on financial statements and common standards. The required data may vary from year to year. KVK is not responsible for the content of the taxonomy, but is responsible for technical processing (through Logius). All information regarding the NT can be found at sbr-nl.nl.