KVK Corporate History

Get information about a company's history.

What can you do with KVK Corporate History?

  • See who was in charge of the organisation in the past; 
  • Get an indication of how often mutations have taken place in the past;
  • You can see previous addresses, company descriptions (not SBI codes), company names, and former officials.

What do you get?

You receive past data changed after 23 May 2010. It includes mutations up to a week before the day of your application. 

Order a KVK Corporate History

Search by name or KVK number and order the product.


Find all KVK product tariffs in the KVK tariff overview.

Frequently asked questions

The Corporate History product is available when there is at least one previous entry in the Business Register. For example, an old trading name. If there is no historical data available, this is indicated on the page. In that case, no fee will be charged.

Changes in the data from 2010 onwards. Such as:

  • Former registered (aka statutory) names, in case of a legal entity or partnership.
  • Former trade names (of the company or selected branch)
  • Former business addresses
  • Former company descriptions (no SBI codes)
  • Other history, such as former legal structures or transfers
  • Former officials

Details of changes in the Business Register before 23 May 2010 are not available online. Please contact us by phone. Choose option 2 from the spoken menu. 

Please note: the KVK Corporate History product changed in May 2024. There are now 2 variants available: one online and one offline. Each has a different ordering method.

KVK Corporate History: 1993-2010

  • Please contact us by telephone. You will immediately receive the requested information over the telephone. 
  • If you prefer, you can request a PDF by email for a fee. The overview shows the changes and last known status for the requested registration number on 23 May 2010. We aim to deliver a complete file within 3 working days.

KVK Corporate History: after 23 May 2010 until now (via KVK.nl)

  • Order via KVK Corporate History.
  • New in this overview is the Legal Entities and Partnerships Identification Number (RSIN).