KVK Business Register Open Data Set

With the KVK Business Register Open Data Set you get the following anonymised company data from the Business Register. The data set is updated weekly. It contains only active registrations in the Business Register. It does not include deregistered businesses.

How can you use it?

  • Create visualisations and cross-sections.
  • Conduct analyses for benchmarking, strategy, and policy purposes. 
  • Interconnect with other data sources. 


You can download and use the KVK Business Register Open Data Set free of charge. 

The company data you receive

  • Place of visitor address
  • Main office/branch
  • Legal structure code
  • Legal structure
  • Main activity code (SBI code)
  • Description of main activty
  • Secondary activity 1 (SBI code)
  • Secondary activity 1 description
  • Secondary activity 2 (SBI code)
  • Secondary activity 2 description
  • Distribution function import
  • Distribution function export
  • Date of incorporation 
  • Date of deed of incorporation 
  • Date of organisation
  • Date of branch
  • Date of registration at current address
  • Dissolution date 
  • Date of continuation
  • Indicator suspension of payments - bankruptcy - debt restructuring
  • Financial year
  • Date on which financial statement was filed

Share your experiences

If you would like to share your experiences with the Open Data Set, please leave your details. We will get in touch with you at a later date. 

Frequently asked questions

Open data are usually collected by the government, scientific institutions, or government-funded organisations. You can use and analyse open data for free.

Characteristics of open data

  • the data are public
  • the owner allows others to use the data
  • the data collection is often paid for with public funds

Examples of open data

  • data collected by childcare facilities
  • geographical information and soil conditions
  • all works of art in the municipality of Amersfoort
  • country-specific trade barriers and product criteria

To find out more, download an overview (in Dutch) of some of the open data sources available to you. Or check the Dataregister van de Nederlandse Overheid.