Financial statements

A financial statement consists minimally of a balance sheet (or summary thereof). The larger the company, the more information is required for the financial statement, for example a profit and loss statement with an explanation from the company.

What do you get?

Financial statements of organisations that issue securities

Financial statements of organisations that issue securities (EUI) can be ordered online from us. If this is not yet the case, you will be notified when ordering. The missing EUI financial statements can then be ordered via email. For more information, see the frequently asked questions at the bottom of this page.

Order a financial statement

Search by name or KVK number and select the product you want. This procedure is only available in Dutch.


  • Pdf file. See example.
  • Converted PDF - An XBRL financial statement converted to a pdf file. See example.
  • XBRL file - Compatible with software applications. Currently, micro, small, and medium-sized legal entities are required to file their financial statements digitally in XBRL format. See example.
  • ZIP file including XHTML or an XHTML / InlineXBRL file (iXBRL). Issuers of securities, or in Dutch Effecten Uitgevende Instellingen (EUI), have had to file their annual financial statements in this format since financial year 2020. iXBRL is compatible with software applications, XHTML is not.

Only financial statements filed in PDF format or converted to PDF format are available as digitally certified files. 

  • PDF file.
  • Printing invalidates the certificate.
  • Offers certainty that KVK is the issuer and that the document is unaltered.

Learn more about digitally certified documents.

Only available for financial statements filed as PDF files or converted to PDF files. 

  • Request by telephone on 088 - 585 15 85 (local rate)


View the tariffs of all KVK products in the KVK tariff overview.

More information

Frequently asked questions

A financial statement consists of several parts, including the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and other notes. The size of the company determines what information is included in the annual financial statement. See the overview of business categories.

You can order financial statements from up to 7 years ago. The date is counted from the first day of the calendar year following the filing date of the statements.  

You can order financial statements in bulk (in PDF and XBRL format). You can also request specific entries from standard financial statements, such as net profit or equity capital. Contact us to find out more. 

You can order financial statements of all legal entities required to file financial statements, provided that they have complied with their filing obligation.

How you file your financial statement depends on your business size. In most cases, you have to file digitally. Micro, small and middel-sized companies have to file their financial statements digitally in the XBRL format.

Financial statements of an organisation that issues securities (EUI) can be ordered at Unfortunately, some EUI financial statements are not yet available online. If this is the case, the following message will appear during the ordering process: 'Niet alle EUI jaarrekeningen zijn online beschikbaar, lees meer.' (Not all EUI financial statements are available online.’)

You can instead order these EUI financial statements by sending an email to with the subject line 'Aanvraag jaarrekening EUI' (Issuer of Securities, Effecten Uitgevende Instelling in Dutch).

Include these details in your email:

  • your name
  • your mobile number*
  • the statutory name of the company whose financial statement you want to order
  • the company's KVK number
  • the book year

* We need your mobile number because the financial statement is sent as a zip file via mSafe (a secured environment). 

KVK Dataservice

KVK Dataservice incorporates this product in your ERP database or CRM customer software. This is fast, efficient, and lowers the risk of mistakes. 

Read more about KVK Dataservice or request the connection package straightaway (in Dutch).