View or change your organisation's details in the Business Register, LEI Register and UBO Register. Or start a new registration.

Here is an overview of what you can and cannot see and do in My KVK:

What you can view in My KVK

  • Details of businesses and organisations with which you are personally registered in the Business Register
  • UBOs of businesses and organisations for which you are officially authorised to enter registrations, changes, and deregistrations in the Business Register
  • If you are an UBO: your own UBO details
  • The LEI registration of your businesses and organisations

What you can change and do in My KVK

Report changes:

  • Trade name
  • Business activities and SBI code
  • Number of employees
  • Visiting and postal address
  • Shield your address from unsolicited advertising and door-to-door sales
  • Telephone number
  • Website
  • Email address
  • Register or deregister a branch (office)
  • Register an official
  • Deregister a BV without assets

What can you do:

  • Order a UBO extract
  • Register a new eenmanszaak (sole proprietorship), VOF (professional partnership), or CV (limited partnership)

You cannot view this in My KVK

  • Do you have a BV (private limited company) with a holding structure? Then you will only see the details of the BV in which you are registered as a director. If the holding company is a director in an operating company, you will not see the details of the operating company. You can see these details in an extract from the Business Register.
  • Businesses and organisations that have been deregistered, removed from the Business Register. To view this, you will need to order an extract from the Business Register
  • Businesses and organisations whose registered persons are no longer permitted to make decisions regarding the organisation's money or property. This may be due to receivership, bankruptcy, or debt restructuring. To view this, you will need to order an extract from the Business Register
  • religious communities and legal persons under public law (e.g. provinces and municipalities). To view this, you will need to order an extract from the Business Register
  • Are you an authorised person with full power of attorney? If so, you may not be able to see the UBOs of organisations you are involved with

You cannot do this in My KVK

Frequently asked questions

DigiD is required to confirm your identity. In this way, we ensure that only authorised persons have access to data from an organisation.

At various places on the KVK website, you will find a button to log in with DigiD. If you click it, you get the choice of which way you want to log in. You can choose between the DigiD app and SMS verification. KVK uses DigiD to check your identity. This is so that we know for sure that it is you who is logging in.

With the DigiD app

Install the DigiD app on your mobile phone or tablet. The first time you use the app, you must choose a five-digit security code. Remember this code. Each time you use the DigiD app, you must type it in.

If you log in to using the DigiD app, our website will ask you for a four-letter code. Open the DigiD app on your phone or tablet, ask for such a code and enter these letters on Then you have to click a button in the DigiD app to approve logging into After that, you can continue on our website.

With SMS verification

Log in to the DigiD website using your DigiD username and password. There, add your mobile or landline number to your DigiD account and choose login with SMS verification.

If you log on to the website with DigiD, you choose 'With SMS verification'. DigiD will then immediately send you a code in a text message (on your mobile phone) or a spoken message (on your landline telephone). You use this code to log in to

Apply for DigiD via You need your citizen server number (BSN) to apply.

Do you live outside the Netherlands and do not have a DigiD? Check which situation applies to you.

  • You have Dutch nationality. You can apply for a DigiD. The DigiD website tells you how to do this.
  • You do not have Dutch nationality. Follow these steps to apply for a DigiD:
    • First register with the Non-Residents Records Database (RNI).
    • After registration with the RNI, you will immediately receive a citizen service number (BSN).
    • With this BSN you can apply for a DigiD. The DigiD website tells you how to do this.

To be able to view UBOs you must:

  • be the UBO of an organisation. You will then only see your own data.
  • be able to officially make registrations, changes, and deregistrations in the Business Register for an organisation. You will then see the UBO details of this organisation.

An LEI is a unique number that enables financial supervisors (such as the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets, AFM) to track global transactions and take action where necessary. The goal is to improve the transparency of the financial markets, gain better control of the risks, and protect investors. 

Entrepreneurs or legal entities who own shares or derivatives must possess an LEI. If you do not have an LEI, you may no longer be able to purchase or sell on the stock exchange. Contact your bank or asset manager in order to determine whether you need an LEI. 

No, that is not possible in My KVK. However, you can order an extract from the Business Register at You will need an access code for this in some cases.