Reporting an incorrect LEI

Are the details of an LEI incorrect? Then report the incorrect LEI to KVK.

You can submit a request by email to have the LEI or the data registered with it amended. Please put the following in your email:

  • name of the person making the request
  • organisation of the person making the request
  • the LEI, name, and KVK number of the organisation which is the subject of the request
  • the error you have found, or other reason for the report

After you submit your request, we will let you know if we will process your request, and when we expect to implement your request.

Why is it important to report an incorrect LEI?

The LEI system is a global system. Multiple LOUs (Local Operating Units), including KVK, issue LEIs. For example, to avoid an organisation having more than 1 LEI, it is important to report it if you think something is incorrect in the LEI register.