Working in the construction industry in Germany

Many professions in the German construction industry are protected, such as carpenter, painter, and plasterer. To practice these professions, local authorities require that you have a diploma, even if you are working in Germany for a Dutch company. There are also other obligations for Dutch business owners who want to work across the border.

To work in Germany, you need to be familiar with local rules and regulations, known as the Bauordnungen (in German). In this article, you will find out how to meet the requirements set by the German government and avoid fines, delays, and liability. German customs regularly check whether Dutch companies are following the rules. 


Before you start your job in Germany, there is a lot to arrange. Requesting and filling in all documents takes a lot of time. You also need to understand the German language. Is this difficult for you? Then hire a specialist who can help you with this.

For your activities in Germany, you set up a completely new administration. Which you then have to keep. Start on time and ask organisations how long it will take before you receive a permit or declaration. Make sure you have everything arranged before you start working. This way, you avoid fines, delays, and liability. The German Customs Administration regularly checks whether Dutch businesses are following the rules.

Do you only have one job in Germany? Then ask yourself whether it is worth setting up this administration. At the end of the job, you do want to be left with money.

Advance notice 

If you want to carry out craft work in germany, you must register in the so-called Handwerksrolle according to the Handwerksrecht. The Handwerksrolle is the German craft register and part of the Handwerksordnung. This states when you do need a permit (in German) to perform certain work and when you do not (in German). 

Before your business starts work that requires a permit in Germany, register your company in the Handwerksrolle of the regional German Handwerkskammer (HWK, in German). The first place in which you perform work in Germany determines which HWK you should register with. Non-construction-related craftspeople such as hairdressers and bakers also need a permit. After registering, you will receive a one-year permit for each activity, which can be extended free of charge. 

If you carry out an unlicensed craft profession, you must report this to the local HWK. You do not need to register in the Handwerksrolle. 


Professions in the Handwerksrolle are subject to a so-called Meisterzwang. This means you are only allowed to practice the profession independently if you pass your Meisterprüfung, or master’s exam. After passing the exam, you will receive a Meisterbrief, a certificate demonstrating your professional competence. This qualification requirement serves to protect certain professions and guarantees a certain level of quality. This qualification requirement is also known as the Meisterpflicht and applies to all legal forms (source: Strick, Rechtsanwälte & Steuerberater). 

The Meisterpflicht applies to Dutch entrepreneurs who require a permit and: 

  • Are based in the Netherlands and are working in Germany as an independent contractor. 

  • Establish a company in Germany and work in Germany. 

  • Are based in the Netherlands and Germany, and work as an independent subcontractor in Germany. 

EU declaration 

If you are a professional living in the Netherlands and carrying out work in Germany, you may be exempted from the Meisterprüfung. You will have to apply for an EU declaration (in Dutch) at KVK. You must submit this as proof of your professional competence when you register in the Handwerksrolle. You also need to submit a KVK Business Register extract. 

If you meet the requirements, KVK will issue an EU declaration. It helps if you have ample experience in the Netherlands as a self-employed contractor or manager. Professional qualifications are also helpful. As proof of registration in the Handwerksrolle, you will receive a Handwerkskarte. You or your employee must always carry this with you when performing work. 

If you have to meet qualification requirements to work abroad and have questions, please contact the KVK Advice Team.

German construction law 

If you want to work in the construction sector in Germany, you must comply with German construction law. This is part of the German Civil Code (BGB). Check that your way of working complies with German rules before you start. Do you have doubts? Then seek advice from a legal adviser.

Registering your employees 

If you have employees working in Germany, you must register them digitally with the Finanzkontrolle Schwarzarbeit of German customs before they start their work. By registering your employees, you comply with the minimum employment conditions set out in the Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegezetz (in German), Germany’s basic secondment guidelines. Even if your employees are only performing menial tasks such as repairs or maintenance, you are required to register them. For more information about collective labour agreements and other guidelines, visit the website of German customs. 

Rules for employers 

The minimum wage in Germany is governed by the Mindestlohngezetz. The Mindestlohnkommission is responsible for proposing the rates. Every 2 years, this committee reviews whether the minimum wage should be adjusted. The legal minimum wage in Germany is currently €12.82 gross per hour.

Certain industries in Germany have a collective labour agreement with a higher minimum wage. This Tarifvertrag (in German) applies to construction workers, electricians, roofers, painters, varnishers and the like. 

Employers are required to keep time sheets for each employee and construction site. All required documents must be present at the construction site. For example, employment contracts translated into German, proof that workers are paid at least the German minimum wage, recent pay stubs, A1 certificates, and verifiable health and pension insurance. 

Also make sure that the translated employment contract complies with German law. Consider whether you want to draw up a special employment contract with your employee(s). For example, for the period that your employee will be working in Germany. For this period, you then agree on employment conditions that meet the requirements in Germany. Think about minimum wage, collective labour agreement (CAO) wages and number of holidays.

The Cross-border Labour and Business team (in Dutch) of the Netherlands Tax Administration can answer all your questions about payroll taxes in Germany. 

Digital registration requirement 

Employers sending employees to Germany have to digitally register their employees with German Customs. This also applies to employers who employ workers through a temporary employment agency with a registered office abroad. Workers and employees have to be registered for Mindestlohn, Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetz and Arbeitnehmer-Überlassungsgesetz. German customs use the electronic Meldeportal Mindestlohn. 

A1 certificate 

If you are only planning to work in Germany temporarily, you can hold on to your social security coverage in the Netherlands. An A1 certificate of coverage is proof that you have social insurance coverage in the Netherlands. You can request this certificate from the Social Insurance Bank (SVB). With this certificate, you will not have to pay social security contributions in Germany. For questions about social security in Germany, contact SVB’s Bureau of German Affairs (BDZ). 

VAT rules 

If you provide services to German consumers, you may have to pay VAT in Germany. For business customers, you may be allowed to reverse charge the VAT. Read how VAT works when providing international services. 

For Dutch entrepreneurs, all VAT registration matters are handled by the Finanzamt Kleve (in Dutch). Check whether you are required to register for VAT before you start working in Germany. 

Exemption statement 

In Germany, the principal of a construction contract usually withholds Bauabzugsteuer (in German). This tax amounts to 15% of the invoice amount that the principal has to pay to German tax authorities. Dutch construction companies that meet certain conditions can reclaim this amount from the German tax authorities later. 

If you do not want your client to deduct this tax from the invoice amount, then apply in advance for an exemption statement, the so-called Freistellungsbescheinigung (in German), from the Finanzamt Kleve. With this statement, your client does not have to withhold Bauabzugsteuer and pays the entire invoice amount. 

Leave regulations 

If your employees work in the construction industry, you, as their employer, may be subject to the contribution obligation of the Urlaubs- und Lohnausgleichskasse (ULAK) of the SOKA-Bau (in German). This Sozialkasse der Bauwirtschaft is the German leave fund for builders.Â