Supplier's declaration 2015/2447

Use a supplier's declaration 2015/447 to prove which preferential origin your products have. You need this declaration if you want to apply for a EUR.1 or EUR-MED certificate, or if you draw up your own invoice statement. You can download supplier's declaration forms in several languages on this page.

The EU has trade agreements with many countries. This reduces or even cancels the import duties your customer has to pay in the destination country. You do need to include an EUR.1 or EUR-MED certificate or an invoice statement with your product shipment.

Using a supplier's declaration 2015/2447

You use a supplier's declaration 2015/2447 to prove the preferential origin of trade products. You either export these products yourself or your customer exports products purchased from you.

1. You export products yourself

You export products to a country outside the EU that has a trade agreement with the EU. You apply for a KVK EUR.1 or EUR-MED certificate or draw up an invoice statement yourself. You use the supplier's declaration 2015/2447 to prove that the goods are of preferential EU origin. You request the supplier statement from your supplier. 

In some cases you need a supplier's declaration 2015/2447. For example, for purchased raw materials or half-fabricates, which you use to manufacture your end product. You then export this end product with an EUR.1 or EUR-MED certificate or an invoice statement.

2. Your customer exports products purchased from you

Your customer purchases products from you. They export the goods you deliver to a non-EU country that has a trade agreement with the EU. Your customer needs a supplier's declaration 2015/2447 from you. With the supplier statement, your customer can apply for an EUR.1 or EUR-MED certificate or draw up an invoice statement themselves.

Preferential origin

Products of preferential origin have to meet certain requirements. These requirements differ per country and are included in the trade agreements the EU has with these countries. 'Preferential' in this context means that the products have a privileged position. You pay fewer import duties for a product of preferential origin. 

If you issue your customer with a supplier's declaration 2015/2447, you in effect declare that your products meet the preferential origin requirements. Make sure that this is the case. If you issue a supplier statement for products that do not meet the preferential origin requirements, you risk having to pay foreign import duties.


You export agricultural machinery that was manufactured in Germany to Morocco. A supplier's declaration 2015/2447 allows you to apply for a EUR.1 certificate for Morocco. Your supplier checks that the machines meet the preferential origin requirements. They were manufactured in Germany, so they are of EU origin. So, your supplier sends you  a 2015/2447 declaration, stating that the machines you are exporting were indeed made in Germany.

Preferential origin checks by KVK

As an exporter or supplier, you can now have exporters’ invoice statements and suppliers' preferential supplier's declarations checked by KVK to confirm the preferential origin of products. This way, you can be sure that a statement is correct. For preferential supplier's declarations, the supplier must be established in the Netherlands.

When exporting to countries outside the EU, you regularly need the preferential origin of products. The rules for this are complicated and often differ per country. The correct preferential origin is not always listed. As a result, an importer may still pay import duties and the shipment becomes more expensive than they expected.

Download supplier's declaration 2015/2447

The wording of the supplier's declaration 2015/2447 is laid down in the EU Implementing Regulation 2015/2447. The prescribed wording is required. You may not change it. There are 2 types of supplier's declarations in 4 languages, for one-time and for repeated use.

For one-time use:

A one-time supplier's declaration 2015/2477 is for a single shipment of commercial goods. Download the declaration below: 

For repeated use

You need the supplier's declaration 2015/2447 for repeated use if you ship the same product more than once. Download the declaration below: 

VIdeo: How to fill in a supplier's declaration 2015/2447

Points to note for the supplier's declaration

The statement will tell you what to fill in in the various fields. A few things to remember:

  • Check whether the products you supply or receive meet the preferential origin requirements for the destination country. These requirements differ per country or group of countries.
  • Describe the goods so they can be identified. Avoid using general terms. ‘Furniture, being wooden coffee tables, goods code’ is better than ‘Furniture’.
  • If the description of the goods on the supplier statement refers to an invoice or lading bill, include it as additional documentation. 

More information

Do you want to find out more about the documents you need for international trade? Read about Export documents for international business. Do you want more information about the suppliers statement 2015/2447 or about determining the preferential origin of a product? Contact KVK by email or phone. Export documents region West: 088 585 18 87 or Export documents region East/South: 088 585 18 89. Or use the chat function.