Export documents: current developments
- Marco van Hagen
- Background
- 4 June 2019
- Edited 24 February 2025
- 1 min
- Managing and growing
- International
News about documents required for import and export.
New trade treaty with Chile
The EU has a new trade treaty with Chile. This came into effect on 1 February 2025 and changes the rules on preferential origin.
- The EUR.1 certificate has been replaced by a certificate of origin
- Preferential rules of origin have become easier
Statement of origin
Since 1 February 2025, you no longer apply for EUR.1 certificates for Chile. You use an invoice declaration as proof of preferential origin. This is also called a statement of origin. You put this declaration yourself on your sales invoice.
Do you have a shipment with preferential products whose value exceeds €6,000? Then you also need a REX (in Dutch). You put the number of your registration on the invoice declaration.
Do you import products from Chile? Then your Chilean supplier will use an attestation of origin. This shows his Rol Unico Tributario (RUT) number. This is a tax identification number. Use the Preferential Proof of Origin tool to find out what you need.
Shipment in transit
Did you order products in Chile before 1 February 2025 and they are still in transit? Then request a certificate of origin from your supplier. Because the EUR.1 certificate is now no longer valid for reduction of import duties.
Rules of origin
Meeting the rules of origin is easier since 1 February 2025. Not sure about using the rules of origin and your invoice declaration? Have KVK check these and ask for a Genesis certification for your invoice declaration. This will help you avoid mistakes and having to pay import duties afterwards to foreign customs administrations.