Step-by-step plan: a new business model

Your business is not doing well. You are motivated to continue, and you see possibilities for change. Continue with a new business model.

The steps:

Step 1: Map your situation

In 5 steps, a SWOT analysis reveals the opportunities and threats for your business. You can use the results immediately. You will also check whether you have sufficient grip on your finances and what you can improve.

Step 2: Renew your business model

Look at your business with new eyes. What opportunities do you see? A new product or service about which your customers think, or a more sustainable production process. Or are you switching from hourly billing to a revenue model with subscriptions? In the Business Model Canvas, you work out the opportunities.

Step 3: Look ahead to your financial future

Can you expect profits with your new business model in the coming years? You will find out by making an operating budget. And also check whether you will have enough money to pay your bills at any time. See if your cash flow improves and what investments are needed. Also get your any debts in order.

Step 4: Do you need funding?

Funding can help you fund the transition to your new business model. Which form of financing will you go for? Check out the different options and find out what best suits your business and your needs.

Step 5: Ask for help

Switching to a new business model doesn't have to be done alone. Involve your employees and enlist the help of people around you. In addition, various professionals are ready to provide tailor-made advice. Find out where you can go with your question.

Customised advice from the KVK Advice team

Switching to a new business model does not have to be done alone. The advisors of the KVK Advice team think and calculate critically with you. About an additional service, a new customer group or making price quotations in a different way. Call Bel 088 585 22 22.