Step 5 of 5

Ask for help

When you are going through a rough patch, it is good to know you do not have to do everything by yourself. You can ask people from your own network, but why not consult a professional to listen, and give you advice?

Get help from an organisation or expert and get your business back into financial shape.

KVK gives tailor-made advice

The advisors of the KVK Advice team think critically along with you about a solution to your financial problems. And about a new target group, or additional financing. Or they refer you to one of our partners.

Entrepreneurs soundboard (OKB) thinks along with you

What does the future of your business look like? Are you curious about where your opportunities lie and what your next step could be? An experienced entrepreneurial advisor thinks along with you about your business questions. And helps you find the right direction for your business. Looking forward with fresh eyes? Register via Ondernemers klankbord,

Future check of VNO-NCW and SME Netherlands

You want to make your company at least as financially healthy as before. Then it helps if you know how much money your business has, what your financial liquidity is. And see how your business is doing financially in different scenarios. Do the Future Check (in Dutch).