Find financing
If times are temporarily financially difficult, as an entrepreneur you can apply for the Decree on Social Assistance to the Self-Employed (Besluit bijstandverlening zelfstandigen, Bbz) . This scheme offers a credit of up to €45,483 for those who have been entrepreneurs for a maximum of 18 months. If your business has existed for longer, the maximum amount is €247,047.
You can always apply for funding from a bank or other financiers. Does the future of your business look bright? Then a funder is more likely to say yes to your application.
The Financing Guide
Use the information from The Financing Guide. This platform helps SME entrepreneurs find the right financing. Answer a number of questions (Financing Choice Guide) and find the type of financing that suits you. And you immediately see which financiers offer these options.
Draw up a financial budget for your application. In it, you indicate the amount you need.
Video: Make a financial plan
KVK Advice team
Do you want to know more about finding financing for your business? Call the KVK Advice team on 088 585 22 22.