UBO register

We are frequently asked these questions about the UBO register.

UBO Register Extract

You can order a KVK UBO Register Extract via My KVK. This is only possible if you are allowed to make changes in the Business Register for an organisation. You can also use the confirmation letter you received after completing the UBO report, as this contains your UBO details.

Are you a UBO yourself? Or an authorised signatory of an organisation with UBOs?  Then log into My KVK with your DigiD and you can view your own UBO details for free.

A UBO extract is authenticated. This authentication ensures that the extract is genuine and comes from KVK. This allows you to use the extract as an official statement for your bank or civil-law notary, for example. Because KVK authentication process costs money, so you must pay for an extract.  

You can order a KVK UBO Register Extract via My KVK.

At various places on the KVK website, you will find a button to log in with DigiD. If you click it, you get the choice of which way you want to log in. You can choose between the DigiD app and SMS verification. KVK uses DigiD to check your identity. This is so that we know for sure that it is you who is logging in.

With the DigiD app

Install the DigiD app on your mobile phone or tablet. The first time you use the app, you must choose a five-digit security code. Remember this code. Each time you use the DigiD app, you must type it in.

If you log in to KVK.nl using the DigiD app, our website will ask you for a four-letter code. Open the DigiD app on your phone or tablet, ask for such a code and enter these letters on KVK.nl. Then you have to click a button in the DigiD app to approve logging into KVK.nl. After that, you can continue on our website.

With SMS verification

Log in to the DigiD website using your DigiD username and password. There, add your mobile or landline number to your DigiD account and choose login with SMS verification.

If you log on to the KVK.nl website with DigiD, you choose 'With SMS verification'. DigiD will then immediately send you a code in a text message (on your mobile phone) or a spoken message (on your landline telephone). You use this code to log in to KVK.nl.

Status of my UBO report

The processing time for UBO reports is a maximum of 4 weeks. Online changes are processed faster than changes sent by post. Check current processing times. We will notify you once your UBO report has been processed.

KVK will send a confirmation of the UBO registration by post to the organisation and to the registered UBO(s).

Are you an UBO, or authorized to sign for your organisation? Then you can also check the details in My KVK.

Did you file your UBO report online? We have sent you a receipt confirmation email. Check your spam filter if you cannot find it. 

We will send you an email and a letter once we have processed your UBO report. 

Call the UBO team on 088 585 45 85.

Help with registration and changing

If your organisation is already entered in the Business Register, register your UBOs online.

If you want to register your organisation, register your UBOs during the registration process at the KVK service desk or with the notary. New organisations cannot register their UBOs online.

By submitting a new UBO report online.

For certain legal forms it is mandatory to register UBOs. This is laid down in the Commercial Registers Act, section 15a. Click here to see if your organisation must register UBOs.

General UBO questions

All EU countries have their own UBO register. This is set out in the European regulation: the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (Directive EU) 2015/849. In the Netherlands, the UBO register is regulated in law in the Wwft Implementation Decree 2018 ('Uitvoeringsbesluit Wwft'), the Business Register Act 2007 ('Handelsregisterwet'), and the Business Register Decree 2008 ('Handelsregisterbesluit'). The UBO register is part of the Business Register.

Read more about the UBO register and the role of KVK.

Yes, KVK will send a confirmation of UBO registration to the organisation and the registered UBO(s).

Based on the information in the Business Register, KVK cannot determine who the UBOs of your organisation are. Therefore, we must establish the identity of the authorised signatory, and you must determine who the UBOs of your organisation are. KVK is therefore obliged to request information that you may have provided when registering your organisation in the Business Register.

The legal basis for checking the identity of the authorised signatory can be found in Article 5, paragraph 1 of the Business Register decree ('Handelsregisterbesluit'). Checking the identity of the UBO is stated in Article 15a paragraph 3 of the Commercial Registers Act ('Handelsregisterwet').