KVK office Den Bosch
Our address is Pettelaarpark 10 in Den Bosch. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 - 17:00 hours. You need to make an appointment before visiting us.
When do you make an appointment?
Complete registration
For an eenmanszaak, maatschap, vof, or cv. Fill out the online form first.
Register a new officer or director
Fill out a form first, and bring it to the appointment.
Location and opening hours
The KVK Den Bosch office is located at Pettelaarpark 10, 5216 PD te Den Bosch. We are opened Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 17:00 hours. You need to make an appointment if you want to come see us. Is parking space not available in front of the building? Then go to the gate and report. Use the arrow keys, select 'Kamer van Koophandel' and press the call button.
You register your business via KVK.nl/registration. Click on the 'Start your registration' button, choose the legal structure, and then follow the on-screen steps. You must fill in the (online) forms completely*. Then make an appointment at a KVK office to complete the registration. Registering can be done at any KVK office in the Netherlands.
You make an appointment online by logging in with DigiD. You choose the date, time, and location. You can make an appointment up to 8 weeks in the future. You will receive confirmation by email. Please read and keep this confirmation. Â
* Please note: the online registration forms are only available in Dutch. An English-Dutch form is available as a PDF. You can use this as help aid to fill in the online form. Or you can take the completed and signed English-Dutch form to your appointment. Please follow the instructions in the form carefully to make sure you take all required documents to your appointment.
You can deregister your business using an online form (in Dutch) on our website. In the online form, select 'uitschrijven' (deregister), then enter the company name or KVK number, and complete the steps. Submit the deregistration:
- online: this is possible for a sole proprietorship, a legal entity still being set up, or a branch of a foreign company in the Netherlands
- by post: for all other legal forms
When you stop your business, there are a number of things you need to arrange. You will find useful tips in the step-by-step plan for ending your business, and in the information about tax issues when ending a (in Dutch).
Please note: Dissolving and deregistering the business may have an impact on, among other things, your business bank account, financing, insurance, pension fund, and municipal permits. For example, you will no longer be able to access your business bank account. Please check the websites of these organisations to find out what steps you must take before deregistering.
Are you planning to apply for financial support from your municipality? If so, it may be a condition that you are still listed in the Business Register. Check this before deregistering the company with KVK.
Register your business 1 week before or after the start of business activities. Prepare your registration online. Then make an appointment for the identification check and the completion of your registration. You will then immediately receive your KVK number. Registering is possible at any KVK office in the Netherlands.
You can also visit us earlier for the check of your pre-completed details and proof of identity. This is possible up to a maximum of 3 months before your start date. In this case, you will receive your KVK number by post in the week prior to your start date. You can schedule an appointment up to 8 weeks in advance.
You must report a change within 1 week. Has more than a week already passed? Report your change as soon as possible. Failing to do so will have consequences, for example, for your company's liability. The change will not be valid until it is recorded in the Business Register.
You can use the following documents as valid proof of identity:
- A Dutch or foreign passport
- Dutch driving licence or moped licence (category AM)
- a European identity document (ID card from an EEA country)
- A Dutch foreign nationals document (residence document, Foreign Nationals Identity Document, or a Diplomatic Identification card)
- Dutch aliens passport
- Dutch refugee passport
Please note: the document you use as ID must be valid. The validity date appears on the ID. An emergency passport is not a valid form of identification.
Copy of proof of identityÂ
If you have to send a copy of your proof of identity with a form, copy or print the front and back of your proof of identity. You may - for your privacy - make your photo and nationality illegible with a sticker or marker, for example. Or you can use the KopieID app (in Dutch) from the national government. We do not need your photo and nationality to assess the declaration. You may not mask out other data, such as the number of your passport, driving licence or identity card. Driving licences do not show your nationality.
Copy of proof of identity for an UBO
To register UBOs in the UBO register, you must also enclose colour copies (front and back) of the IDs of the UBOs. You are not permitted to block out the nationality on the ID copies. You are permitted to block out the photo. Do not block out the document number of the passport, driving licence, or ID card. Print the copy on a sheet of A4 paper or scan the ID document in actual size.
You can report a change of address via My KVK or via  Wijzigen (Please note that this online process is only available in Dutch. If you would prefer a fully English procedure, you can make use of the printable form).Â
Additional documentation
If the visiting address is not the same as your home address, submit 1 of the following documents to show that you are permitted to use this address as a visiting address for your business or organisation:
- a copy of the rental, purchase, or lease agreement, signed by both parties; or
- a certificate from the Dutch Land Registry Office; or
- a declaration  of consent.
Private address
If your private address is also changing, you should first notify your local Personal Records Database (BRP) of the municipality.