Invoices from KVK

Have you received an invoice from KVK and want to check if it is correct?

The information on the invoice should be as follows:

  • Sender: Kamer van Koophandel, Sint Jacobsstraat 300, Postbus 48, 3500 AA Utrecht
  • Account number: IBAN NL31DEUT0319810577 (Deutsche Bank in Amsterdam) 
  • KVK number: 59581883
  • VAT number: NL823807071B01

We no longer link giro collection forms to invoices.

Please note: as of 1 July 2025, KVK will have a new bank account number. We will mention the new number here as soon as it is known. 

Have you placed an order using your access code?

Want to check if an invoice is correct? Go to your account (in Dutch) to view your order history and see which products have been ordered with your access code.

Example of a KVK invoice

Digital invoices

Never want to lose an invoice again? Switch to digital invoices to have invoices sent straight to your inbox. You will receive your invoices as attachments by email in PDF and XML format. KVK signs invoices with a qualified electronic seal (QSEAL). Like an electronic signature, this confirms that the invoice comes from KVK.

Account number for iDEAL payments

For payments made via iDEAL or a credit card, you will see the account number NL26 INGB 0006865503 on your bank statement. Payments are in the name of CCV. This is the provider that handles our online payments. CCV transfers the money to KVK.