I have been scammed by a company

Are you a victim of fraud or internet scams? We understand that this is very annoying. Unfortunately, we cannot handle complaints about other companies. This is because, as KVK, we have no authority to act against companies that do not fulfil their agreements with customers.

What you can do

Are you a victim of fraud or scams? Report this to the fraud helpdesk (in Dutch), they can help you with the steps you need to take.

You can also file a complaint with a number of other organisations. Victim Support Netherlands offers advice on reporting and dealing with internet fraud.

You can find information about doing business with an online shop on ConsuWijzer (in Dutch). You can also report scams here.

If an online shop is a member of the Thuiswinkel sector organisation, you can make use of their disputes committee and file a complaint with them.

Fraud and internet scams are punishable by law. So, you should also report them to the police.

How to protect yourself and your business

Want to know how you can protect yourself against (online) fraud in the future? Read articles about fraud and cybersecurity on KVK.nl.