Help with registration
We are frequently asked these questions.
Registering a company or organisation
Use the registration form on our website to prepare the registration of your sole proprietorship online. Log in with your DigiD and fill in the form completely. Check the overview with your details. Have you completed everything 100%? Then make an appointment online at a KVK office of your choice to finalise your registration.
You choose the date, time, and location yourself. You can schedule an appointment up to 8 weeks in advance. You will receive confirmation by email. Carefully read and save this confirmation.
Plan an appointment on time. Most KVK locations are often busy, so you may not always be able to make an appointment within a week.
Additional evidence
Is your visiting address not the same as your private address? Then provide one of the following documents as proof that you may use this address as your business address:
- a copy of the lease, purchase, or rental contract signed by both parties; or
- proof you own the property; or
- a declaration of consent.
Will you become a franchisee? Then also bring your signed franchise agreement with you.
Is your private address correct?
The Business Register is linked to the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP). The private address you give us must be the same as the address at which you are registered with the municipality.
Registration fee
A registration fee applies for registering a business with a new KVK number.
Proof of registration
You can immediately request a certified KVK Business Register Extract.
Tax administration (Belastingdienst)
When you register as an entrepreneur, we pass on your details to the Netherlands Tax Administration. Are you subject to paying VAT? If so, the Tax Administration will send you the turnover tax number and the VAT ID number of your business within 2 weeks of your registration. You will also find these numbers on Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, (in Dutch), the online tax portal for business owners. You can log into that portal via your DigiD or eHerkenning.
Have you not received a response from the Tax Administration after 2 weeks? Call the Tax Information Line (0800 05 43).
Visit the Register and make an appointment page. Choose the legal structure you want to register. You will then learn how to register your company or organisation in the Business Register.
Register a new branch of your company via My KVK or wijzigen. (Please note that this online process is only available in Dutch. If you would prefer a fully English procedure, you can make use of the printable form.)
Additional proof
Is the visiting address not the same as your private address? Then provide one of the following documents as proof that you may use this address as the visiting address for your new branch::
- a copy of the rental or lease contract, signed by both parties; or
- a supporting document from the 'Kadaster' (Land Registry Office); or
- a declaration of consent.
For associations and foundations
Are you not sure whether to register the branch office? Then take a look at the branch office registration decision tree for foundations and (in Dutch).
If you already have one eenmanszaak (sole proprietorship), you cannot register a second one. You can in fact make changes to your current sole proprietorship, such as new activities or an additional trade name. If the new activities take place at an address other than the one currently registered, you need to register a branch.
Netherlands Tax Administration
We report the change of activities to the Netherlands Tax Administration. You may not need to file a VAT return at the moment, for example because your business activities are exempt from VAT. If these activities change or you start new activities, you may have to start filing VAT returns. The Tax Administration will notify you automatically.
This is possible if the deregistration was less than 6 weeks ago. Read what steps you need to take to reverse your deregistration. Deregistrations from more than 6 weeks ago cannot be restored. You will then have to register a new eenmanszaak.
You can only register your business if you have a Dutch visiting address. Do you live in an area bordering the Netherlands? And can you show genuine, physical business activities in the Netherlands? Only then you can register with a visiting address that is abroad. Follow these steps to register:
- Choose a legal form and fill in the (digital) registration form
To register as a sole proprietorship (eenmanszaak), you need a DigiD. You apply for this using your Citizen Service Number . If you do not have a BSN, follow these steps:- Register in the Non-residents Records (RNI)
- After registering in the RNI, you will immediately get a BSN.
- Use your BSN to apply for a DigiD. The Netherlands Worldwide explains how to apply for a DigiD abroad.
- Use your DigiD to register your sole proprietorship.
- Make an appointment at a KVK office to complete your registration.
- Bring the following with you:
- A valid proof of identity and an original extract (or a legalised copy) from the personal records database where you live, or another original proof (or a legalised copy), such as from an official organisation or a bank, showing your private address.
Note: this proof may not be older than 1 month. Submit this proof in a language we can read. If we cannot read it, KVK can ask you to have the documents translated into Dutch, English, German, or French. This does not need to be by a sworn translator. - A copy of the rental, purchase or lease contract of the (Dutch) visiting address. This must be signed by 2 parties.
- Your mobile phone, you pay the registration fee by scanning a QR code.
- A valid proof of identity and an original extract (or a legalised copy) from the personal records database where you live, or another original proof (or a legalised copy), such as from an official organisation or a bank, showing your private address.
Read the article Foreign company registration to learn whether you have to register a foreign business and how to do so.
You only register a stille maatschap (undisclosed partnership) if the maatschap (professional partnership) has a company. Therefore, first check whether the stille maatschap meets the conditions that KVK uses to register a company.
There is no company
Does the stille maatschap have no company? Then registering in the Business Register is not possible. You also do not need to register any UBOs (ultimate beneficial owners).
There is a company
Does the stille maatschap have a company? Then use the registration form on our website to prepare the registration of the stille maatschap online. To do so, log in using DigiD. Complete the form in full. Check your details in the summary. Have you filled in all necessary information? Then make an appointment to finalise registration at a KVK office of your choice.
A partner (maat) can be either a natural person (a person), a legal entity (for example, a bv), or a partnership (maatschap, vof, and cv). Personal identification only applies to natural persons.
We register all partners in the Business Register. Even partners who only contribute goods, labour, or money. This is because they sometimes also must comply with agreements entered by the maatschap or other partners.
Choose a trade name that is different from the registered name of the maatschap
The words 'stille maatschap' must be included in the registered name of the undisclosed partnership. But do not use the words 'stille maatschap' or ‘maatschap' in the trade name. If you do this, then you may give the impression that it is a public maatschap.
UBO register
When registering in the Business Register, you immediately register the UBOs (the ultimate beneficial owners). Use the step-by-step guide on our website to determine who the UBOs of your maatschap are. Form 32 says which documents you need to include.
Register your business 1 week before or after the start of business activities. Prepare your registration online. Then make an appointment for the identification check and the completion of your registration. You will then immediately receive your KVK number. Registering is possible at any KVK office in the Netherlands.
You can also visit us earlier for the check of your pre-completed details and proof of identity. This is possible up to a maximum of 3 months before your start date. In this case, you will receive your KVK number by post in the week prior to your start date. You can schedule an appointment up to 8 weeks in advance.
To register a new enterprise or organisation, you must pay a registration fee. If you want to purchase a certified KVK Extract from the Business Register when you register, you can do this directly.
You will receive a KVK number number when you register in the Business Register. If you register your company 1 week before or after starting business activities, you will receive your KVK number immediately.
Visit earlier
You may also visit us earlier to check your pre-completed details and proof of identity. This is possible up to a maximum of 3 months before your start date. Then prepare your registration online and make an appointment at one of our offices. You can schedule an appointment up to 8 weeks in advance.
We will register your company from 1 week before your specified start date. After registration, you will receive a written confirmation, your KVK number and an invoice for the registration fee by post.
Taking over a business
Are you taking over a business? Then we will send you the new KVK number on the takeover date.
Do I have to register?
We use 3 criteria to determine whether you have a business:
- You supply goods and/or services. Or you are preparing to do so. For example, you have already started buying products.
- You demand more than symbolic payment for this. Or a (commercial) price or hourly rate that makes you money. Think of making a profit or cutting costs. So it is not a hobby that only costs money and does not make a profit.
- You regularly provide goods and services to people other than just your family or friends.
Do you meet these 3 entrepreneurial criteria? Then you can register your business at KVK.
There are also 4 additional questions that say something about entrepreneurship and help you decide if registration is necessary.
Additional questions
- Do you invest money and/or time to start or grow your company?
- Do you work in your own business on a regular basis, as opposed to a one-off assignment? You should also register large one-off activities, such as Christmas tree sales.
- Will you be working for more than 1 client? If you have a single client over a longer period of time, it is more likely that you are in .
- Do you decide when and how you do your work? Even if you get hired by a client. Does that apply to you too?
Are you in doubt? Check out the examples on how to deal with these 3 criteria and 4 questions.
No, when you have a hobby we assume that you earn little or no income from it. Or that you spend a lot of time on your hobby but earn very little from it. According to the Commercial Register Act (Handelsregisterwet), this is not a business and you do not meet the criteria to be an entrepreneur. So, you are not required to register. However, if you do earn some money from your hobby, you usually have to report this income to the Belastingdienst (Netherlands Tax Administration).
Registration in the preparation phase is possible in some cases. Preparations include ordering goods, applying for permits, or renting business premises. To complete the registration, make an appointment online by logging in with DigiD. Registration is possible at any KVK office in the Netherlands.
Registering an official
Click the 'Report a change' button. Enter your business name or KVK number. Click on Functionarissen ('Officers') and follow the steps.
To identify yourself in person or not?
You do not always have to come in person to identify yourself at a KVK office. On our and the forms, you can read when personal identification is or is not necessary.
Do you have to identify yourself? Then make an appointment online. You can register at any KVK office in the Netherlands.
Register and deregister at the same time
Does the director or partner who will be deregistered also sign for the registration of the new director or partner? Then give the deregistration form to the new director or partner when they come to register at a KVK office.
This will prevent the registration and deregistration from crossing paths, possibly making registration impossible at that time. Only a director or partner who is still registered may sign for the registration of a new director or partner.
Check whether the change affects the UBO registration
Via the online UBO report, determine whether the new director or partner will also become a UBO of your organisation and immediately register the new UBO or submit a change.
Consequences for (financial) institutions
A change of officials may have consequences for, for instance, permits of the municipality, financing, insurance, pension fund, or bank account of the company. Check the website of the relevant (financial) institution for which steps you must follow when changing officials.
You register a director online. You can read how to do this in our article 'Reporting a board change for a stichting, vereniging, or VvE'.
To register the new official, use the online form. Fill in which organisation you want to arrange this for and go through the steps. The form states whether the new official must provide personal identification and what supporting documents we need.
When you come to a KVK office to register a business, you need to bring:
- valid proof of identity
- a mobile phone to pay the one-off registration fee. You scan the QR code with your mobile phone and then pay with iDEAL or credit card.
If applicable, you might also need to bring
- a copy of the rental or lease contract, signed by both parties, or a declaration of consent, if your visiting address is different from your private address.
- vof, cv, or maatschap contract, if you have made one.
- a franchise contract, if you are starting a franchise business.
Do you not live in the Netherlands?
Check what additional information we need from you.
Check if your organisation also needs to register UBOs. If so, bring the necessary information and documents with you as well:
- Preparation for registering UBOs for a new nv, bv, SE, or SCE
- Preparation for registering UBOs for a new foundation
- Preparation for registering UBOs for a new cv, vof, professional partnership, EEIG, or shipping company
- Preparation for registering UBOs for a new association, cooperative, or mutual insurance company
You can directly request a certified KVK Business Register Extract.
You may not have to come to the office to have your identity checked at the desk. Check when it is necessary to have your identity checked at KVK.
You can use the following documents as valid proof of identity:
- A Dutch or foreign passport
- Dutch driving licence or moped licence (category AM)
- a European identity document (ID card from an EEA country)
- A Dutch foreign nationals document (residence document, Foreign Nationals Identity Document, or a Diplomatic Identification card)
- Dutch aliens passport
- Dutch refugee passport
Please note: the document you use as ID must be valid. The validity date appears on the ID. An emergency passport is not a valid form of identification.
Copy of proof of identity
If you have to send a copy of your proof of identity with a form, copy or print the front and back of your proof of identity. You may - for your privacy - make your photo and nationality illegible with a sticker or marker, for example. Or you can use the KopieID app (in Dutch) from the national government. We do not need your photo and nationality to assess the declaration. You may not mask out other data, such as the number of your passport, driving licence or identity card. Driving licences do not show your nationality.
Copy of proof of identity for an UBO
To register UBOs in the UBO register, you must also enclose colour copies (front and back) of the IDs of the UBOs. You are not permitted to block out the nationality on the ID copies. You are permitted to block out the photo. Do not block out the document number of the passport, driving licence, or ID card. Print the copy on a sheet of A4 paper or scan the ID document in actual size.
You do not need to register separately with the Netherlands Tax Administration. After registration, we will pass this information on. You will receive a notification from the Tax Administration by post within 2 weeks of the start date of your business.
The Netherlands Tax Administration will send you your VAT-ID and VAT number (btw-id and omzetbelasting number) within 2 weeks of your starting date. Have you not received a communication from the Tax Administration after 2 weeks? Call the Tax Information line: 0800 05 43.
You use the btw-id for your communications with clients and suppliers. On your website or invoices, for example. You use the omzetbelasting number when you file your VAT returns.
Our website tells you how to find your VAT number or VAT identification number.
Who can view my registration?
After registration in the Business Register, some of your details are public. Bu that does not mean that anyone can approach you without your consent. Sometimes, however, that does happen. Read What you should know about your details in the Dutch Business Register and find out why some of your details are public. You can use the non-mailing indicator to register that you do not want to receive unsolicited advertising.
Anyone can see the visiting address of your business. Sometimes you may not want that. That is why you can shield the visiting address of your sole proprietorship. With other legal structures, shielding can only be done if there is a threatening situation. You must always register a postal address.
Learn more about shielding your business address.