KVK Book of Finance

How do you get, and keep, a grip on your business finances? The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK Book of Finance provides you with all the basic information: money matters, finding financiers, keeping records, and paying taxes. Use the book as a starting point and a reference. Taking control of your financial affairs will make doing business that much easier.

What is in the Book of Finance?

We explain in layman’s terms how the financial side of running a business works. From business expenses and taxes to finding financing and setting up your business administration.

Read how to draw up business budgets and calculate your income as an entrepreneur. And choose the right private and business insurances.

Getting grip on your finances also means planning ahead. In case of pension, or disability. And we give tips on how to prevent financial problems.

Advantages of the Book of Finance

  • simple explanations on money matters and financing
  • the most important budgets explained
  • doing business and VAT, this is how it works
  • list of financing options
  • everything about insurances and pension


The Book of Finance contains information from the following partners: KVK, Nibud (National Institute for Family Finance Information), Geldfit Zakelijk, Verbond van Verzekeraars (Dutch Association of Insurers), Stichting Pensioenfederatie (Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds), Stichting BKR (Dutch Credit Registration Bureau).