Fund a small amount quickly
- KVK Editors
- Background
- 23 February 2020
- Edited 29 August 2023
- 4 min
- Managing and growing
- Finance
Your company is going through a temporary financial dip. Do you want to borrow money quickly to bridge a few months? Or do you want to invest while the outlook is favourable? You can arrange a business bridge loan or additional working capital. Find out what options you have to borrow an amount of between €5,000 and €25,000 quickly.
Credit or loan
Do you want to for your business quickly? There are two solutions. Business credit or a business loan. A financier can give you access to a sum of money to use as you need it. This is called a business credit. You can withdraw money or be in the red up to a fixed maximum amount. You decide when to do so and how much you withdraw. You only pay interest on the amount withdrawn. Every month you pay off part of it. You can withdraw it again when you need it.
With a , you receive the entire loan amount in one go into your account. You then repay the amount in monthly, equal amounts. cannot be withdrawn again. You pay a pre-agreed interest rate on the outstanding amount.
Borrowing money costs money, and you have to repay the borrowed amount with interest. Financial planning gives insight into the consequences of such options for financing. Keep in mind your payment obligations, so you can keep them under control.
Sources of funding
Before taking out a loan, you may be able to free up funds in your business. Then you can borrow a smaller amount. You may not have to borrow at all. Check if you are already using all possibilities.
- See what you can save .
- Be alert to tax deductibles.
- Get your customers (debtors) to pay faster (in Dutch).
- See if you can borrow money from family or friends.
Business financiers
You can find different forms of bridging loans from financiers. Consider current account credit, flexible credit, or factoring.
You can open a current with a bank. A current account allows you to be in the red up to a certain amount. Do you temporarily need more money? Then you can temporarily increase the current financing.
There is also a special government guarantee, the SME Credit Guarantee (BMKB). Banks and non-bank (in Dutch) can apply for this on your behalf for a current account credit or bridging loan. This allows you to borrow more money from the than you would get based on your collateral.
Credit at Qredits
Qredits offers flexible credit and microcredit.
- Microcredit: a microcredit is a loan of up to 50,000 euros.
- Flexible credit: a flexible credit is a type of overdraft of at least 5,000 to a maximum of 25,000 euros. You can combine it with other loans from Qredits. For example, a microcredit, SME loan, leasing, or mortgage loan.
Online financing via fintech
Fintech stands for financial technology. Fintech financiers organise the financing process with online technology. They usually offer temporary working capital financing. Several banks have their own fintech channels. For example, Rabobank: Fundr (in Dutch) and ABN AMRO: New 10. They also offer bridging loans through fintech. These are loans from €5,000 to €250,000 or higher. Are you looking for a loan for a short period, that you often get within a day? That's called a business flash loan. The interest rate of a flash loan can be high. So prepare yourself well. Compare the costs and conditions for each provider and calculate everything before making a decision.
In factoring and accounts receivable financing (in Dutch), a bank or factoring company gives you a certain form of credit. They usually advance a large part of an invoice amount. These are business-to-business transactions, not consumer invoices. With some factoring companies, you can get an advance on invoices as low as 100 euros.
Invoice financing (in Dutch) works slightly differently. With invoice financing, you sell outstanding invoices to a funding company. However, you take care of collecting these invoices from your buyer yourself.
Factoring companies are united in the trade association Factoring Nederland (FAAN) (in Dutch).
Pin advance and web advance
A pin advance is attached to an ATM in the retail and hospitality industry. You get an advance on the expected turnover. Every day, a percentage of the turnover goes to the lender as repayment. This can be done with amounts from 2,000 to 50,000 euros. In 3 to 6 months, you repay a percentage of turnover daily. Do you have an online shop? Then you can get a web advance for the same amounts.
Tips on borrowing money
With a well-prepared application, you are more likely to get the loan. Arrange the following so that your funding application runs smoothly:
- Make sure your records are up to date and correct. This will allow a lender to quickly assess your application.
- Compare offers from 3 lenders and then make a choice.
- Convert the loan rate to an annual interest rate and determine if that rate fits. Stichting MKB Financiering states a maximum of 20% per year as a guideline for costs including interest. The MKB Financing Foundation has a seal of approval for member financiers and financing advisers (in Dutch).
- Read the small print of the loan proposal. Look for a comprehensible contract, a seal of approval and membership of a trade association. With a seal of approval and membership, financiers must follow the rules of a code of conduct. The code of conduct requires them to be clear during the funding process.
- Find out how quickly a lender will settle your application and when you can expect the money.
What else you need to know
Do you want to apply for funding? Use the financing flow chart to find a form of financing that suits your situation. Also check the requirements of financiers before you start and adjust your application accordingly.
Getting help will increase your chances of success when you are . With the right advisers and a good , you will have a better chance of getting a business loan. These advisers will help you on your way. Also watch the video Financiering regelen (in Dutch). The video explains how to get financing for your business and the steps you need to take.