Finding an investor

Are you looking for investors for your company? There are different options available. For example, a fund or an investor who invests directly in your business. This might include business angels, Regional Development Agencies, private-equity firms, family and friends, or even a Dutch or international celebrity.

Finding a business angel

A business angel is someone who invests in businesses for commercial reasons, with the intention to make a profit. A business angel is, or was, a business owner themself, so they are well positioned to assist and support you. Business angels are also known as informal investors. It is not always easy to find a business angel who is right for your business. Use existing networks of business angels and have a look around your own network.

The Netherlands

If you are looking for an investor in the Netherlands, you can use the information provided by the Vereniging van Business Angels Netwerken Nederland (BAN, in Dutch). BAN Nederland includes networks which act as intermediaries or matchmakers between business owners and investors. You can check the BAN Nederland website to see which networks are affiliated and what their objectives are.

The website also contains a database where you can find investors.


Examples of European networks of business angels:

Interesting publications

BAN Nederland offers several interesting publications: the first is intended for business owners looking for investors, while the second is designed for investors:

Your own network

Since many investors tend to team up with business owners from their own geographic area, it might be worth your while finding an investor within your own network (for example, through your personal network or social media network). You may also choose to enlist your accountant, bank, or other business owners. Make a point of visiting places where these individuals and organisations meet each other. Such as events, trade fairs and exhibitions, and activities organised by business clubs and business associations.

Regional Development Agencies

Regionale Ontwikkeling Maatschappijen (ROM, Regional Development Agencies) aim to strengthen the regional and local economy. Each province has its own ROM. A ROM can provide financing for a company. ROMs focus mainly on innovative and fast-growing companies. There are 9 ROMs in the Netherlands. Find out more about these ROMs and how they can help you with financing.  

Private equity firms

You can also get financing through a private equity firm. Private equity firms manage the assets of institutional investors and investment funds in a fund. From this fund, they invest in companies. This investment is called private equity. Private equity firms usually invest a minimum of €1 to €2 million. Read more about private equity firms.

Get advice

Help increases your chances of obtaining financing, and with the right advisor and a good financial rationale, you will get your finance application approved in no time. These advisers will help you get started. Do you still have questions? Call the helpline on 088 585 11 11 or ask an expert for advice.

Video: Financing your business

Watch the video Financing your business. It explains the steps you need to take to get financing for your business. And which parties you can turn to.

Video: Financing your business