Crowdfunding platforms

Crowdfunding has been on the rise in the Netherlands in recent years. There are more than 50 crowdfunding platforms where you can bring your funding application for a particular product, service, idea, or company to the attention of the public at large.


There are currently a wide variety of crowdfunding platforms. The five largest Dutch crowdfunding platforms are:

  • NL Investeert
  • Collin Crowdfund
  • CrowdrealestateGeldvoorelkaar
  • Lender&Spender

Data provided by based on funds raised in 2022.

Licence and exemption from AFM

The number of regulations has increased alongside with the number of crowdfunding platforms. There are currently a limited number of crowdfunding platforms that have been licensed by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). While many other platforms have received an exemption from AFM. In AFM’s crowdfunding register (in Dutch) you can learn what this means, what the platforms involved are, and under what circumstances platforms require an exemption or licence.

From 11 November 2023, crowdfunding platforms must have an ECSPR license (in Dutch) if they offer their services. They then meet the requirements of the European crowdfunding regulation (EU) 2020/1503

List of crowdfunding platforms

You will find a list of crowdfunding platforms in the Netherlands on the websites of Crowdfundmarkt, Fundwijzer and ZakelijkLenen. The Nederland Crowdfunding industry association provides a list of affiliated platforms.


There are all kinds of differences between the various platforms. Some focus specifically on a sector or industry, such as the hospitality industry, the arts, or (green) energy. Other platforms have a wider scope. The rules also vary depending on the platform.

While the majority of platforms provide loans, there are also platforms based on donations or which provide capital in exchange for shares. Some platforms will carefully review your project application and analyse it based on your business plan and financial expectations. This is a service they provide, for which you will be required to pay. Other platforms will only do business with companies with solid credit ratings.

There are also international platforms to which you can submit your funding application. There are around 1,000 crowdfunding platforms around the world which raise billions in funds. Two major international platforms include and, while a well-known European platform is, which focuses on creative, innovative, or group projects.


  • Start out by comparing the terms and conditions of several credit providers, to avoid making the wrong decision.
  • Carefully read the fine print of the credit proposal before deciding on anything. A comprehensible contract and recommendations by trustworthy consultants will help you choose a loan.
  • Estimate in advance when your business is likely to encounter cash flow problems. Are your own resources sufficient to cover this? You can also plan an appropriate form of financing in a timely manner.

Help with financing

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