Business financing help and advice

Finding and arranging financing for your business is not easy. There are many forms of financing that you can also combine. Financiers need information about your business and you as an entrepreneur. Much you can do yourself, but there is also help available. Find out about the possibilities here.


The Financing Guide helps you find your way in financing your business. Do you still have questions? Contact a KVK expert free of charge on 088 585 11 11. Would you prefer an in-person conversation? Then visit one of the Ondernemersplein locations, where KVK experts are ready and waiting for you.

Advice from certified business finance specialists

Get advice from a specialist in business financing. They offer guidance, have knowledge of various forms of financing and have access to an extensive network of financiers. Advisers with the quality mark Erkend Financieringsadviseur MKB (Approved SME Financing Adviser) can relieve you of worries so you can focus on doing business. The market for financial advisers is large and the quality can vary. The Stichting MKB Financiering (in Dutch) has therefore developed the quality mark Keurmerk Erkend Financieringsadvies MKB (in Dutch), so that entrepeneurs know they can trust in the advice.

If you choose an adviser with the quality mark, you can be sure they are professional and an expert. The adviser follows a code of conduct and has made agreements on rates, commissions, and confidentiality. Check the overview of Approved SME Financing Advisers (in Dutch).

Financing Finder

Find the type of financing that suits your business plans with the Financing Finder. Answer the questions and see the results.

The Financing Guide is a collaboration of KVK, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Dutch Banking Association (NVB), Stichting MKB Financiering (SME Financing Foundation), and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO.