Ending your business

Ending your business is more than only deregistering with the Chamber of Commerce KVK. Seems complicated? Ask your questions to the advisers of the KVK Advice Team.

Ending your business

Ending your business is more than only deregistering with the Chamber of Commerce KVK. Seems complicated? Ask your questions to the advisers of the KVK Advice Team.

Ending your business? Take care of these matters

Frequently Asked Questions

If you do not carry out any activities for a long time, you should deregister your business from the Business Register. This is because this register is for active companies and organisations. You cannot pause your registration. Sometimes you have to stop your business temporarily. For example, for a study, a (temporary) job, or to travel for less than 8 months. What you have to do depends on your situation. Also check when you have to deregister from the Personal Records Database on government.nl.

Situation 1: Your business has no turnover or business activity (for example, due to travel, study, illness, etc).

  • Do you expect this period to be shorter than 6 months? Then do the following:
    • Temporarily suspend your work.
    • Leave your business registered in the Business Register.
    • Inform your contacts and network that you are temporarily stopping.
    • Continue to file VAT returns, even if these are nil or zero returns.
    • Continue to keep business records.
  • Do you expect this period to be longer than 6 months? Or is the length of time uncertain? Then do the following:

Situation 2: Your business has no turnover but there is business activity (for example, acquisition, product development, getting ready to start, etc).

This is a good reason to stay registered. Note: if you fail to fill in VAT tax returns several times, the Netherlands Tax Administration will withdraw your VAT tax number. Before they do this, you will receive a letter. Do you disagree? Then you have to prove that no ‘discontinuation’ took place. Can you not do this? Then we will be notified by the Netherlands Tax Administration and deregister your business.

The outlook for your business is bleak. Every day you stay in business is costing you money. Quitting is inevitable. With the Step-by-step plan ending in a controlled manner, you keep control while ending your business. The plan consists of 5 components.

  1. Dealing with your emotions
  2. Finding help
  3. Preparing for ending your business
  4. Are you left with debts after quitting? Find a solution that suits your situation. You can go through different routes. For example, an amicable settlement, or through the Natural Persons Debt Restructuring Act (Wet schuldsanering natuurlijke personen, Wsnp)
  5. Getting started with ending your business: depending on your situation and legal structure, you go through a number of steps to end your business. Also cancel current subscriptions and insurance policies. Finally, deregister your business from the Chamber of Commerce KVK.

Ending your business is quite something. You need to arrange many things. The advisers of the KVK Advice Team will help you. They answer your questions and listen to your concerns. They will explain which steps you need to take and when. This will help you to keep an overview. Call 088 585 22 22. KVK also cooperates with organisations that help you with advice, coaching or money.

Check this article and find out what steps to take.

The deregistration of your 'eenmanszaak' (sole proprietorship) should be done via a change form on our website (in Dutch):

  • Go to 'Uitschrijven' (Deregister).
  • Search for and choose your company.
  • Click on 'Opheffen eenmanszaak' (Dissolve sole proprietorship)
  • Fill in your details and submit the deregistration digitally or by post.

Submit digitally 

You sign the form by logging in with DigiD.

Submit by post 

Send the completed and signed form to the KVK postal address, together with a copy of a valid identification document of the signatory. The signatory of the form is always an authorised person currently registered in the Busines Register.

More information

When you end your business, you need to arrange a number of things. You will find useful tips in the article 'Ending your company per legal structure'. And in the information on tax matters when you discontinue your business.

Please note: Dissolving and deregistering the sole proprietorship may affect your business bank account, financing, insurance, pension fund, and municipal permits.

For example, you will no longer be able to access your business bank account. So, before deregistering your sole proprietorship with us, please check the websites of these organisations to find out what steps you must take.

Are you planning to apply for financial support from your municipality? If so, a condition may be that you are still registered in the Business Register. Check this before you deregister from KVK.