More control over your bookkeeping with a smart cashier system

Do you still process all payments by hand? It can be a lot faster and easier with a smart cash register system. Such a system automatically processes payments in your accounts, giving you instant insight into your sales. Most smart POS systems also record turnover figures per item and employee, or the times of sales. This gives you an overview and better control over your finances.

Smart cashier system: combining hardware and software

A cashier system is a combination of hardware and software. Examples of hardware are a POS computer or a tablet. The software is the programme you use to run the hardware and the operating system it runs on, such as Windows or Android. POS systems are widely used in the hospitality and retail industries. A smart cashier system is also called a point-of-sale (POS) system.

Types of smart POS systems

There are three types of smart POS systems: for your computer, for your tablet, or in the cloud. 

1. POS system for computer

With this system, you install software on your computer so you can easily collect and analyse data. With the software, you can, for example, print out clear sales reports or see when your employees log in and start work.

2. POS system for tablet

A POS system on your tablet works the same as on a computer. The advantage of a tablet is that it is cheaper and easier to move around. This makes it convenient in the hospitality industry, for example.

3. System in the cloud

A smart POS system in the cloud works the same as the POS systems above. The only difference is that all data is stored on the internet and not on a computer's local server. This is useful if you want to log into the system at other locations.

Smart POS system options

Choose a smart POS system with options that suit your business. A POS system needs different functions in the hospitality industry than in a shop. For example, in the hospitality industry, it is convenient to link the system with manual payment terminals, while in a shop this is not necessary.
Harry Groos from the company POS Specialist, advises entrepreneurs when buying a smart POS system. “Choose a smart POS system with options you will actually use,” he says. “Everything extra you add, you also have to keep track of and will cost you more money. So, first map out carefully what you need and then decide which POS system is most suitable.” 

Advantages of a smart POS system

Above all, smart POS systems save you a lot of time. The main advantages are:

1. Instant insight into your sales

A smart POS system gives you instant insight into your sales. This means you can see how much turnover you are making at any time. The till also gives a signal when stock is running low.

''I used to print everything out and then you need all sorts of papers to see what you have in stock,'' says Anke Griffioen, owner of Caland/Schoen. ''Now I just open my laptop and can see exactly what the stock is.''

2. Full overview of payments

A smart POS system provides a full overview of payments. It records all purchases and sales, so they are accessible and verifiable. ''Bookkeepers often ask for more information when they audit your accounts,'' Groos explains. ‘A traditional POS system does not keep that information, but a smart POS system does. Smart POS systems send this information directly to your accountant. So, you no longer have to look this up yourself. That saves a lot of time.’

3. Link with your PIN machine

You can link a smart POS system to your PIN machine. The system sends the price of a product directly to the PIN machine, so you don't have to key in the amount manually. 

4. Link with your webshop

You can connect several systems to the POS system. Take your webshop for instance. The POS system links all prices and product codes to those of your physical shop. The system immediately matches your shop's product stock to your webshop's stock and vice versa.

Extra features of a smart POS system

A smart POS system has even more functions that help you run your business. For instance, you can see at what times customers most often visit your shop, so you can employ more staff at those times. Other features of smart POS systems include:

  • A period overview of sales, for example, daily or weekly
  • Turnover per employee
  • Turnover per part of your business
  • Customer information
  • Staff planning
  • Passing on orders to other departments

Disadvantages of a smart POS system

When buying a smart POS system, also consider these disadvantages:

1. Dependence on the internet

With a smart POS system, you are dependent on the internet. In case of an outage, the various systems can no longer connect with each other.

2. Cost

A smart POS system costs money. You will pay between €500 and €5000 if you buy one. You can also rent smart POS systems; in which case you pay between €50 and €250 per month. The costs depend on your requirements and wishes.

Note: Tax Administration requirements

When buying a smart POS system, make sure you take into account the requirements of the Netherlands Tax Administration (in Dutch). Payments must be controlled, organised, and stored according to the rules. The Tax Administration recommends that your POS system suits the nature and size of your business. For example, a simpler POS system will suit a small business better than a large and complex one. Among other things, the Tax Administration requires that:

  • Your checkout system has the hallmark  Het betrouwbare afrekensysteem (Reliable checkout system, in Dutch). This quality mark was developed by cash register system suppliers and guarantees that data is properly recorded and stored.
  • All transaction data must be kept for a number of years. It is therefore important that your POS system has a large memory.

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