Dissolving a VOF, CV, maatschap, or rederij
- Edited 14 October 2024
- 1 min
To dissolve a vennootschap onder firma (general partnership, VOF), commanditaire vennootschap (limited partnership, CV), maatschap (partnership), or rederij (shipping company) follow these steps.
When you close a business, there are several things you have to take care of. Find more information in the checklist for ending your .
1. Check the consequences
Note: dissolving and deregistering the general partnership (vof), limited partnership (CV), or shipping company may have consequences for your bank account, financing, insurance, pension fund, and municipal permits, among other things. For example, you will no longer be able to access your business bank account. You should therefore check the websites of these organisations first to see what the consequences of deregistering will be.
Are you planning to apply for financial support from your municipality? If so, it may be a condition that you are still registered in the Business Register. Check this too before deregistering the company with KVK.
2. Download the form
Download form 17: Reporting a dissolution: VOF, CV, maatschap, or rederij.
3. Fill in and send the form
Complete form 17 in full.
Please note: At point 3.1, make sure that the form is signed by all (managing) partners, partners, or members of the shipping company
Send the form, with a copy of a valid ID for the person whi signed the form to one of KVK's postal addresses.
Deregistering UBOs
If you deregister your organisation, KVK will deregister the organisations's UBOs. You do not have to do this yourself.