Protect your address from advertising and door-to-door sales

Do you not want other businesses and organisations to use your organisation's address for sales or advertising purposes? You can manage this yourself. Anyone who requests an extract of your details from KVK will see whether they are allowed to use your address and must respect your wishes.

Businesses use the information from the Business Register to check the details of business partners or to find new customers. You can also use this business information to find new customers or check who you are doing business with.

Good to know

Your phone number listed in the Business Register is not public data. Only organisations that have permission to do so, such as the Netherlands Tax Administration or civil-law notaries, can see your phone number.

No more unsolicited mail?

Protecting your address from advertising and door-to-door sales means that others will have less luck finding your address. For example, Google does not include companies that protect their address in Google Maps.

Protecting your address does not guarantee that no one will come to your door. Businesses and organisations can also find address details in other places, such as address directories and websites. And of course businesses can also contact you via email or telephone. So get started with more tips to prevent unsolicited mail, emails or phone calls.

How do you protect your address?

When you register in the Business Register, you can immediately indicate that you want to protect your address. If you do this at a later date, for example, many organisations will already have recorded your details in their database. These organisations will not know that you no longer want to receive physical mail or have visitors at your door. Unless they regularly request an update from KVK. So if you want to prevent receiving unwanted mail or visits, the best option is to let us know when you register.

Would you still like to let us know that you want to protect your address against advertising mail and door-to-door sales? If so, please send an email to Include the following information in your email:

  • name of business or KVK number
  • the name of the person authorised to register, change or deregister your business or organisation in the Business Register
  • whether you want to activate or deactivate the Non-Mailing Indicator

Frequently asked questions

Companies are only allowed to send you commercial email if you have given them your consent. There is an exception to this rule. If the company has sold a service or product to you (i.e. you are an existing customer), they may email you about similar services or products without asking your permission. 

If you receive unwanted digital mail (spam), ask the sender to stop. If they do not stop, you can lodge a complaint with the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets ACM. They also offer tips on how to avoid receiving spam.

The Commercial Register Act 2007 (Handelsregisterwet) states that KVK must register the phone number of every entrepreneur. The phone number is not public. Only KVK and authorised organisations, such as the Netherlands Tax Administration or a civil-law notary, can see your phone number and contact you. 

Are you bothered by annoying phone calls? Read here what you can do about it. 

You can change your business details in the phone guide and Yellow Pages (Telefoongids & Gouden Gids) yourself online, via Open your entry on, click on your name to see the details. Then click the 'Manage your company data free of charge' link (in Dutch: 'Beheer gratis jouw bedrijfsgegevens').

To request removal of your details by Google, use this form. To request removal from other websites, you can use the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, AP) sample letters (in Dutch). 

On social media, manage the visibility of your details through your settings.