Reverse your Business Register deregistration? What you can do

You deregistered your company from the Business Register. But then you find out that you did so too early. For example, because there is still money in your business account. Without a Business Register registration, you can no longer make payments with your business account. Depending on your situation, you can restore your registration.

Whether or not you can restore your Business Register registration, depends on your legal structure. Which legal structure did your business have? 

Deregistered Eenmanszaak

You can restore your Business Register registration in the first 6 weeks after you have deregistered your eenmanszaak. Have 6 weeks passed? Then it is no longer possible to reverse the deregistration. You will have to register a new eenmanszaak.

Deregistered longer than 6 weeks ago

Use the online registration form (in Dutch) to register a new eenmanszaak. Or fill in and print this form. Then make an appointment at a KVK office to finalise your registration. You can go to any KVK office in the Netherlands. 

You will receive a new KVK number and a new VAT-ID number. You pay a registration fee to register the new eenmanszaak.

Deregistered less than 6 weeks ago

Did you deregister your eenmanszaak less than six weeks ago? Then you can restore your registration if you can show that your business has been operating continuously. Use Form 18, Additional information regarding other Business Register forms  and enclose proof. Such as: 

  • Bank statements from a short time ago in the name of the company showing that payments were indeed made and received after deregistration.
  • Purchase and sales invoices and order confirmations from after the deregistration date.
  • Statement from the bookkeeper or accountant stating that your business is still active.
  • Proof of declaration of profit from business (WUO) or result from other work (ROW) from the Netherlands Tax Administration or other forms of administration that can show that your business is still active.

Fill in and sign Form 18 and then send it to KVK, together with a copy of a valid proof of identity and the supporting documents. Do so within 6 weeks of the confirmation of deregistration date. You have received this confirmation from us by post. 

We will evaluate the documents. If they are sufficient, you will keep the same KVK number. We will send you a confirmation by post. After that, you can order a new Certified KVK Business Register Extract of your business.

If the supporting documents you have provided are not sufficient, your deregistration will not be reversed. You will then have to register anew in the Business Register.

Reactivate your VAT number

The Netherlands Tax Administration is not automatically notified that your KVK registration has been restored. You have to send the Netherlands Tax Administration a letter stating that you wish to reactivate your VAT number. Send the letter to:

Postbus 2892
6401 DJ Heerlen

Your VAT number may not remain the same. The sub-number may change. For example, 123456789B01 becomes 123456789B02.

Deregistered a different legal structure

Have you deregistered another legal structure from the Business Register unintentionally or too soon? For example, a BV or VOF? Please contact KVK.